We Asked, You Said, We Did

Below are some of the different proposals we have consulted on and their outcomes.

We asked

The draft Waste Strategy for Essex provides a framework for managing our recycling and waste in Essex for the next 30 years. It includes a shared vision, key principles and ambitious targets.

In September 2023, a 10-week public consultation was launched on behalf of Essex Waste Partnership. The consultation gave people the chance to have their say on the draft Waste Strategy.

A total of 4,545 responses to the consultation were received. This included 4,224 responses to the full survey and 321 responses to the Easy Read survey. The survey responses were independently analysed.

You said

Headline results show there is a good level of agreement from all areas in Essex on key proposals within the draft strategy.

Headline findings from the full survey:

  • 67% agreed with the vision statement for the Waste Strategy for Essex.
  • 48% thought the targets are about right. A further 28% would prefer more ambitious targets and 13% would prefer less ambitious targets.
  • 49% thought the ambitions are about right, with 27% preferring higher ambitions and 13% preferring lower ambitions. 6% would prefer none at all, and 6% were not sure.
  • 63% agreed with the move to embrace a circular economy, in which finite resources are conserved and used efficiently.
  • The majority of respondents agreed with the waste hierarchy priorities, with 65% agreeing with waste prevention, 71% with reuse, and 77% with recycle.
  • 78% agreed that the EWP should reduce the use of landfill.
  • 61% agreed that adopting the use of anaerobic digestion for the treatment of food waste is the right solution.
  • 69% agreed that that after recycling everything we can, adopting Energy from Waste for residual waste is the right solution.
  • In regard to achieving collaboration and innovation, the majority of respondents agreed with all statements for how this should be achieved, ranging between 67% to 86% agreement
  • 77% agreed with the proposal around ‘educate and engage’, to listen to residents and deliver information and initiatives to encourage changes in attitudes and behaviour to reduce waste and recycle more.
  • 70% agreed with the proposed approach to research, planning and performance monitoring.
  • In the full survey, respondents could provide their feedback on the Strategic Environmental Assessment. 288 respondents provided feedback, with 54% agreeing that the Environmental Report correctly identified the likely significant effects of the draft strategy, and 46% disagreeing.
  • There was widespread agreement for the different areas of the strategy amongst the five Essex Waste Partnership member organisations that provided a response to the consultation, although it should be noted that one preferred higher targets and one would prefer lower ambitions to be achieved at a later date.

Reports can be found on the links at the bottom of this page.

We did

Findings from the consultation analysis are being used to help develop a final version of the Waste Strategy.

The adoption of the Waste Strategy for Essex will be subject to a separate decision by each partnership council, ECC plans to adopt a final version of the Waste Strategy in summer 2024.

If you have any feedback on the draft consultation report, please contact wastestrategyforessex@essex.gov.uk

We asked

In 2022, Essex County Council (ECC) started a pilot requiring users to pre-book visits to recycling centres in response to challenges of high demand at peak times (congestion, environmental impacts, longer waiting times).

In October 2023, Essex County Council published an interim evaluation of the pilot and launched a consultation with the aim of seeking views from Essex residents and other stakeholders on keeping a recycling centre booking process permanently.

The responses to the consultation have been independently analysed and a summary is provided below.

You said

18,123 consultees responded to the consultation.

99.7% of consultees responding selected one of the prompted 21 Essex recycling centres when asked which they typically visit. As such it should be considered that this report summarises response to the proposals from recycling centre users as opposed to Essex residents in general. 

The majority of consultees indicated they have booked to visit a recycling centre online since the process was introduced in 2022 (88%). 1% indicated they have booked the recycling centre by telephone (via ECC’s contact centre). 11% indicated they haven’t used the recycling centre booking system.

Headline findings:

  • 58% of consultees indicated they agree with the proposal to keep a booking process for cars for all recycling centres in Essex. 39% indicated they disagree with the proposal. 3% indicated they were unsure.
  • A comparably higher proportion of residents living in Castle Point, Colchester, Harlow, Rochford and Tendring agree with the proposal for cars. A comparably lower proportion of residents living in Brentwood, Chelmsford, Epping Forest and Uttlesford indicated they agree with the proposal.
  • Agreement levels with retaining a booking process for vans are high with 72% of consultees indicating they agree with the proposal to keep a booking process for vans, pick-up trucks and vehicles with double-axle trailers at the nine van-friendly recycling centres in Essex. 14% indicated they disagree with the proposal. 14% indicated they were unsure.
  • A comparably higher proportion of residents living in Basildon, Castle Point, Colchester, Harlow, Rochford, Tendring indicated they agree with the proposal to keep a booking process for vans. A comparably lower proportion of residents living in Brentwood, Chelmsford, Epping Forest and Uttlesford indicated they agree with the proposal to keep a booking process for vans.
  • There were a number of questions that allowed consultees to provide free-text comments relating to the proposals for cars and vans  and suggestions for the future of the booking process.  Details will be provided within the full consultation report which will be made available soon.


Consultee profile:

  • The recycling centres with the highest proportion of consultation responses is consistent with the busiest recycling centres in the County - Saffron Walden Recycling Centre, Chelmsford Recycling Centre, Braintree Recycling Centre, Colchester Recycling Centre, Harlow Recycling Centre and Clacton Recycling Centre.
  • The majority of consultees indicated they use a car when visiting the recycling centre (96%). 4% indicated they use a car with a single axle trailer and 5% indicated they use a van or pick-up truck (respondents could tick all vehicle types that applied).  Less than 1% indicated they travelled by bicycle or on foot.

We did

The consultation forms part of a range of evidence collected throughout the pilot which has been used to inform a final decision on the future of the recycling centre booking process.  The decision to retain a booking process permanently was taken on 27 February 2024.

The consultation has also provided us with a wealth of valuable feedback on the booking process and suggestions for service enhancements which we will consider in due course.

We asked

We asked about our proposal for a redesigned Carers Offer which includes:

  • Enhancing the Essex Wellbeing Service as a first point of contact for carers
  • More community based opportunities and support for carers
  • Specialised support for carers
  • Access to relevant training for carers

You said

There was broad agreement from respondents for the proposed Carers Offer.  The full report can be viewed here

We did

Insight from the online engagement was used to finalise the proposed Carers Offer Model.  It will help to ensure that these offers of support come together to ensure effective support for carers in Essex.

We asked

We carried out a survey to better understand experiences of care home providers within a residential and nursing care settings looking after adults of all ages with Dementia, with a particular focus on residents with challenging/distressed behaviours.

This also explored how current services could be improved, and how care providers in the care sector could be better supported in their role.

You said

The survey findings were clear in identifying four key themes which centred around:

  • Increased support from partners
  • Improved information gathering on residents/would be residents 
  • Enhanced staff training
  • Positive aspects that consider the wider environment and have valuable impacts on residents' experiences

The survey findings summary report is available to read here.

The full report is available on the Essex Provider Hub.

We did

All of the insight has been shared across relevant spaces in health and social care, including our provider forums.

The insight from the survey and focus groups that have taken place has been used to inform the development of forward activity, with a focus on market shaping, workforce development and future commissioning arrangements of interventions to support people living with dementia, and their carers/families.

Other activity linked to supporting these findings has included a refresh of the exceptional payment tool, to support take-up of funds through a simplified process.

A new pilot training offer is being explored that would focus on Dementia and complex presentations including distressed behaviours, and ongoing training through the Virtual Dementia Tour (VDT) & Montessori for Dementia and Ageing and Namaste Care.

New funding through the Market Support Improvement Fund has come into place to support easier access and take-up of training, alongside a new Dementia workforce page that has been launched on the Essex Provider Hub to offer a range of information to support caring for someone with Dementia, and ongoing focus on Essex Dementia Friendly activity in communities to promote research and resources around enabling environments within a care-based setting.

We asked

The purpose of this survey, led by Essex Youth Service and Essex Public Health, was to gather the views of young people on a range of topics relating to relationships and sexual health, understanding what further information and support they would like and their preferred ways in which to access it. 

Following on from our first Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) survey in 2021 gathering the views of 16-25 year olds, this year we continued our work with young people to co-design survey questions for 11-25 year olds. Age appropriate questions were developed for young people in Years 7-9, young people in Years 10-11 and young people aged 17-25.  

You said

3,676 young people responded to the survey.

Headline findings:

  • Young people in Years 7-9 and Years 10-11 look to friends/family and school for information on most RSE related topics. For young people aged 17-25, a slightly higher proportion tended to look online for information or access services.
  • Young people in Years 7-9 and Years 10-11 would most like to know more about healthy and respectful relationships and consent and the law. For young people aged 17-25, they would most like to know more about steps to take after unprotected sex, and information on choices around pregnancy.

  • Around 60% of those in Years 7-9 are aware of the Essex Sexual Health Service and Essex Youth Services website, compared to just under 50% of those in Years 10-11 and those aged 17-25. This response may be skewed by significantly larger proportions of Years 7-9 completing the survey in areas where schools are more proactively promoting these services.

  • A significant proportion of young people had felt intimidated, worried or uncomfortable while on the internet, and this increases with each age group. Younger age groups were more likely to have told someone if they felt this way, and also more likely to know where to go for help, with most saying they would turn to friends/family/someone they trust.

  • Condoms are the contraceptive method which young people are most aware of how to access, with Intrauterine System (IUS) and Coil or Intrauterine Device (IUD) being the least known methods.

  • The pharmacy is where young people felt most comfortable accessing contraception, followed by shops/ supermarket. Young people felt least comfortable accessing contraception from a youth centre or School Nurse.

  • Most 17-25 year olds (64%) said they felt fairly or very confident in how to access emergency contraception, compared to 44% of those in Years 10-11.

Reports available below:

Please note district level reports have been produced only for those districts where response rates were higher, and any district level differences should be viewed as indicative only.

We did

We have produced 'we asked, you said, we did' one page summaries for each age group, outlining how insights have been used:

We asked

Essex County Council is looking at how best to support residents with cost of living concerns. We launched a survey aimed at understanding what practical things we could do to help over the coming months, and to test out some ideas with residents.

You said

The survey received a total of 883 responses.

Respondents suggested that more practical/immediate types of help and support were most important. This includes items to help stay warm this winter, home energy saving packs, and emergency food packages.

Of the types of support that respondents said they would use, the top responses were a home energy saving pack, items to help stay warm, and tried and tested top tips for making your money go further.

Suggestions for help and support from residents included help to make homes more energy efficient, reduced council tax/council tax breaks, and community initiatives (such as via libraries, cafes and churches to offer meals, food banks, activities, warm spaces, and welfare check schemes).

The full survey report can be downloaded here.

We did

Essex County Council has now launched a £50m package of support, which is outlined in the Cost of Living Support for Households and Communities Plan. More information about the plan is available here.

The insights from this survey will continue to inform help and support for residents in Essex.

We asked

Essex County Council recognises the importance of supporting unpaid carers in Essex and our aim is that “We will help those carers of all ages whose caring duties are impacting most on their wellbeing by achieving a step change in the advice, guidance and support we provide to support wellbeing and independence, and by targeting it at those who need it most” [Everyone’s Essex, 2021-25].

To ensure ECC can meet this objective, research and engagement has been carried out with carers in Essex and those who support them, to understand their lived experiences and gather their views. Six commitments to carers were then co-produced, and ECC ran a consultation to seek views and feedback on these.

The consultation ran from 14th February to 13th March 2022, and was promoted via the ECC website, social media, and direct with a number of carers organisations and community groups. A number of events were also held virtually and in-person which provided opportunity to promote the consultation.

You said

The consultation received a total of 90 responses. This included 2 paper copies and 5 Easy Read responses.

Level of agreement with each of the commitments was high:

1) Carers can easily access information and support when they need it and early into their caring role

At least 93% agreed or strongly agreed with the aims under this commitment.

2) Develop professional practice and processes to improve identification of and support to carers

At least 93% agreed or strongly agreed with the aims under this commitment.

3) Improve transitions for carers as they move through specific phases or events in their caring role

At least 91% agreed or strongly agreed with the aims under this commitment.

4) Carers will have increased opportunity to access good quality support, including short breaks

At least 89% agreed or strongly agreed with the aims under this commitment.

5) Carers’ needs and rights will be understood and recognised across Essex communities

At least 89% agreed or strongly agreed with the aims under this commitment.

6) Carers will be the experts that influence and be involved in the decisions that are intended to improve support & wellbeing

At least 91% agreed or strongly agreed with the aims under this commitment.

Free text comments indicate that while there is strong support for the proposed aims, carers would like more detail as to how they will be achieved and would like to see tangible action taken. Many commented that support is difficult to find and access, with some currently experiencing a lack of support, and there appears to be some level of scepticism around how positive changes will be made.

We did

All feedback and comments received through the consultation process have been reviewed and analysed, and will be used to inform the final Essex Carers All-Age Strategy 2022-26, due to be launched in April 2022.

For more detail, please download a copy of the consultation report.

We asked

Essex County Council carried out a consultation from November 2021-January 2022, seeking views from Essex residents, library service users and organisations about the new draft plan for the future of library services.

The plan set out high-level aims for the service and areas of focus for the next four years:

  • Library Service and Literacy
  • Infrastructure and Communications
  • Supporting communities and Levelling Up

People were asked to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with the sub-areas of each aim. They were also given the opportunity to provide comments on each of the three high-level aims.

You said

2,213 responses were received to the consultation - 2,185 from individuals and 28 responses from organisations. The analysis showed good support for the proposals in the Plan, with many showing strong agreement.

Agreement with aim one: Library Service and Literacy

  • There was at least 90% agreement from individual respondents with the aims to support children to be school-ready and develop their reading skills, keep stock and resources up to date, help adults improve their literacy, ensure staff have the right skills, and provide books and resources in formats that meet changing need.
  • Support to deliver a new and exciting programme of events and activities and to get more residents involved in shaping the service is also high at over 80%
  • The aims to explore new opportunities to generate additional income, and new roles and opportunities for volunteers received around 70% agreement

Agreement with aim two: Communications and Infrastructure

  • Developing the mobile library offer to support service outreach and community engagement and improving communications to help engage with existing users and new audiences were the best supported aims by individual respondents with at least 83% agreement.
  • Improvements to buildings, including reducing our carbon footprint, and improving engagement with the staff gained 75% agreement and had strong support.
  • Aims with agreement of 60% and above were: Roll out better mobile technology for staff and volunteers; Update printing services on offer to customers; Launch a new online library platform.

Agreement with aim three: Supporting Communities and Levelling Up

  • At least 85% of individual respondents agreed with the aims to help reduce digital exclusion and improve digital skills, connect residents with other services, expand outreach services, and provide employability support. 80% agreed with supporting residents with their health and wellbeing.
  • The proposal to explore options for providing chargeable activities alongside the existing free activities had 50% agreement. A significant proportion (31%) neither agreed nor disagreed with this aim

We did

All feedback and comments received in response to the consultation have been reviewed and analysed by an independent organisation, and are now being used to inform an updated plan for library services.

  • The insight and analysis from the consultation tell us where individuals feel most passionately about the ambitions and proposals. This has helped us to prioritise the ambitions for the library service. We propose some changes to emphasise and clarify what the public have told us is important to them. 
  • The public have reiterated how important hard copy book stock is for them – an ambition we have always supported. We will make it clearer in the Plan that our ambition to keep our stock up to date and appealing includes hard copy as much as electronic resources.
  • Outreach, communications and involvement of our communities in shaping the service will be given more prominence in our plan and we will specifically look at how we can localise communications and adverts of library events.
  • Our skilled paid workforce are as important to the public as they are to us and we will reflect this more clearly. Volunteers support the work of the service allowing us to do more, as they work alongside our paid for staff. The Plan will emphasise the important link between the two.
  • We will give more context as to why charging is required for some new activities and assurance how they could run alongside and complement free activities. Hosting these activities could enable us to provide an enhanced offer, service or experience to appeal to our existing customers, new users and to raise awareness of libraries as a potential partner and venue for other organisations. We are keen to drive up use of library buildings and increase footfall, which we hope will encourage greater use of library facilities.

The final plan is expected to be published in April 2022.

For more information and a full breakdown of consultation responses, please view reports below.

Full report

Summary report

Scrutiny Committee meeting papers related to this consultation are available here.

UPDATE 20th April 2022 

The final version of the new plan for libraries has now been launched and is available below:


We asked

During November-December 2021 Essex County Council ran engagement surveys for both adult carers (18+) and young carers (aged 8-18) within Essex.

The survey asked about experiences of caring for someone and what things carers feel are important to support them. Focus groups were also carried out with carers in a number of locations across Essex.

You said

388 responses were received for the adult’s survey, and 72 for the young carers survey.

To see key findings from survey responses, please see our report.

There is also a report highlighting key themes from the focus groups.

We did

All of the insight shared will be used to inform the development of a new all-age carers strategy for Essex which will be consulted on in early 2022.

We asked

An eight-week public consultation took place between August and October 2021 to support the identification of a preferred junction option, inform detailed design and highlight any points for consideration before any final decisions were made about the Army and Navy Sustainable Transport Package.

Because of uncertainty caused by the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the consultation had a strong digital focus, complemented by more traditional approaches to make it as accessible as possible.

Two junction layout options were presented to the public - a Hamburger Roundabout option and the Separate T-junctions option – alongside the proposed expansion of Sandon Park and Ride, a new Park and Ride at Widford (two site options) and various wider walking and cycling improvements.

At this stage, all proposals and options outlined as part of the Army and Navy Sustainable Transport Package were considered viable and no final decisions had been made.

To capture people’s feedback on the proposals, a consultation survey was developed and included a mixture of questions to assess levels of support for the different elements of the proposed sustainable transport package and capture public feedback. The survey contained 22 questions regarding the proposed Army and Navy Sustainable Transport Package and was split into various sections, focusing on each junction option, the proposed walking and cycling improvements, and the Park and Ride proposals. 

A series of online and in-person consultation events and activities were also organised and took place during the consultation period

You said

In total, 850 responses to the consultation were received, including 842 survey responses, with the majority (76%) of those from residents of Chelmsford.

Among the key findings were:

  • More than half of participants agreed that the proposed package would have a positive impact on Chelmsford (18% strongly agree and 37% agree) while a further 24% described their views on this as neutral.
  • 60% of respondents indicated they preferred the hamburger roundabout option, compared with 21% who preferred the separate T-junctions option. 18% indicated they were undecided or had no preference, while 1% did not answer the question.
  • 20% of respondents said the hamburger roundabout option, together with the wider measures proposed, would encourage them to travel through the junction using a different mode of transport in the future – compared with 16% for the separate T-junctions option.
  • Almost half of respondents agreed the ‘proposed walking and cycling improvements would create a more coherent network for pedestrians and cyclists in Chelmsford’ (12% strongly agree and 35% agree), while a further 32% described their views on the statement as neutral.
  • Most respondents (67%) had no preference about their preferred site for a proposed new Park and Ride in Widford, with slightly more respondents preferring the Greenbury Way site (18%) over the London Road site (13%).
  • The majority of respondents (60%) supported the idea of expanding Sandon Park and Ride before work got underway at the Army and Navy junction to help manage disruption and improve travel options during construction.

In terms of notable qualitative feedback, there was a good level of support for the proposed junction options and the impact they would be likely to have, however there were also a number of respondents who felt a flyover would be a better option for the junction.

Concerns were also raised about certain elements of the junction options, notably the potential for confusion, the increase in the number of traffic signals, perceived worsening of congestion and traffic flow and the negative impact of proposals to remove existing permit parking bays in Van Diemans Road.

Some respondents felt the proposed walking and cycling measures did not go far enough and there was mixed feedback about proposals to remove the existing subway and replace it with ground-level crossings.

There was good support for the proposed expansion of Sandon Park and Ride and a proposed new Park and Ride site in Widford, although some questioned the demand for these measures, particularly in light of the impacts of the COVID-19 on passenger numbers. A number of concerns were raised about the safety of pupils regularly walking to a school playing field neighbouring the London Road site and needing to cross the road at the proposed entrance to the site.

Our full consultation report is available on the Army and Navy Sustainable Transport Package webpage.

We did

The consultation provided a valuable insight into the public’s views about the proposed Army and Navy Sustainable Transport Package.

The feedback played an important role in informing the decisions made by the Army and Navy Task Force and Essex County Council, including supporting the identification of a preferred junction option and helping inform detailed design.

In December 2021, having been updated on the initial findings of the public consultation, the Task Force endorsed the hamburger roundabout as the preferred junction option. The hamburger roundabout was the public's preferred option at public consultation and also scored better from a business case and option assessment perspective. In March 2022, Essex County Council's Cabinet formally approved the hamburger roundabout as the preferred option.

In addition to helping us identify a preferred junction option, feedback from the public consultation has also been taken into account as we look to refine our designs. Following concerns about our initial proposals, a revised layout is now being proposed for Van Diemans Road. Under the option included in the consultation, a two-way segregated cycleway was proposed on the eastern side of Van Diemans Road and the existing lanes for general traffic were to be maintained (notably, with two lanes northbound/on the approach to the Army and Navy junction). To provide space to accommodate this, it was proposed that existing permit parking bays in Van Diemans Road would be removed.

However, following concerns raised during the consultation and a site visit with residents and the local Essex County Council member in September 2021, a revised layout of Van Diemans Road is now proposed. Additionally, in response to the site visit with residents and the proposed revised layout of Van Diemans Road, four potential options to improve the Lady Lane junction have also been developed and are being considered. Under the latest proposals for Van Diemans Road, there would be one northbound lane for general traffic (flaring to two at the Army and Navy junction) and a two-way cycleway on the western side of Van Diemans Road, with the existing permit parking bays on Van Diemans re-aligned but retained.

The revised proposals would enable walking and cycling improvements to be made, while slight amendments to the design of the hamburger roundabout and changes to signal timings mean there would still be good peak period journey time improvements for private vehicles on Van Diemans Road. During the evening peak period, journey times would be virtually unchanged from those with the two-lane layout presented at the public consultation and they would actually be improved during the morning peak time. No final decisions have been made on the potential Lady Lane junction options, and both the revised Van Diemans Road layout and potential Lady Lane junction options remain subject to road safety audits.

In addition, we have also made changes to the proposed zebra crossing on the Baddow Road arm of the junction after concerns were made about the visibility and safety of the crossing. Our design has now been amended to include a signalised crossing in this location, with signal timings linked in with the rest of the junction. Our latest modelling shows this is also expected to reduce bus and car journey times on Baddow Road by reducing the frequency at which motorised vehicles are required to stop while still providing regular 'green time' to allow pedestrians and cyclists to cross safely.

We asked

Essex County Council, the University of East Anglian, Northumbria University and Environment Agency trialled Natural England’s National Green Infrastructure Standards Framework (NGISF) from September 2020 to February 2021. Central Government’s 25-year Environment Plan (2018) is the basis for Natural England’s NGISF, that set out ten guiding principles for good GI.

As a result of Essex taking part in the trials, a draft Essex Green Infrastructure (GI) Standards was produced alongside supporting guidance.

This consultation enabled stakeholders to provide feedback on the draft Essex Green Infrastructure Standards and Guidance documents, to get an understanding of how these standards could support and be implemented and, whether these should become full standards (i.e., assessed and monitored) or just supporting guidance.

You said

The comments provided have been used to help to finalise the Essex Green Infrastructure Standards and Guidance and identify the next steps on how this will be implemented.

We did

Created a final consultation report and implemented these into the draft standards

We asked

The Essex Climate Action Commission was set up in 2020 to advise on what Essex could do to tackle climate change and has over 30 members. The Commission has looked at six different subject areas in relation to climate change:

    • Adapting to an already changing climate
    • Transport
    • Built environment
    • Land use and green infrastructure
    • Energy and waste
    • Community engagement

Special Interest Groups were established for each area and groups met on a number of occasions to collate and review evidence and develop recommendations for changes.

The aim of this consultation is to understand the views of Essex residents on the recommendations put forward by the Commission

You said

Respondents gave support for the recommendations made by the commission

We did

The Essex Climate Action Commission published reports to confirm recommendation for future work relating to Making Essex carbon neutral.

Essex Climate Commission 

We asked

We engaged with the public in November/December 2020 about our proposals to address air quality issues in an area of Basildon.

Locations on a stretch of the A127 and two areas to the south of it (most notably on the A132 East Mayne) have been identified as exceeding legal limits for nitrogen dioxide - a harmful gas caused by vehicle emissions. Essex County Council and Basildon Borough Council were directed by Government to improve air quality on the A127 as quickly as possible and a new 50mph speed limit was introduced earlier this year.

The councils were also instructed to carry out further analysis to establish what measures would be needed to bring air quality to within legal levels as soon as possible on East Mayne (A132). We, therefore, investigated a series of options and scenarios.

As a result of that work, we identified a preferred option – the relocation of the shared pedestrian and cyclist route on East Mayne to reduce people’s exposure to air pollution in the worst affected area (central reservation) and remove the requirement for the location to be reportable.

Our technical work has shown this measure would result in compliance with legal air quality levels on East Mayne in 2022, while avoiding any disproportionate impact on residents and businesses.

Residents, businesses and visitors to Basildon, as well as any other interested parties, were encouraged to have their say on our proposals by completing our Basildon Air Quality Survey.

An online brochure complemented the survey to set the scene, provide the background to the project and the subject of air quality, explain the preferred option and outline other efforts to tackle air pollution in Basildon.

You said

In total, we received 164 responses to the public engagement survey – all of which were submitted online. These provided a valuable insight into people’s thoughts about air quality, sustainable modes of travel and our scheme to relocate the pedestrian and cyclist route.

  • 81% of respondents indicated they felt improving air quality was an important issue
  • 74% said they were concerned about the impacts of poor air quality on the health of them, their family and friends
  • 88% were concerned about the impacts of poor air quality on the environment
  • 63% of those who responded to the survey said that, given the need to bring air quality in East Mayne to legal levels in the shortest possible time, they were either supportive (or very supportive) of the preferred option or described their views on the option as ‘neutral’. 37% described themselves as opposed (or very opposed) to the preferred option
  • 52% of respondents indicated they thought the preferred option would have an impact in reducing people’s exposure to air pollution, while 46% said they thought it would have no significant impact and 2% did not know
  • 96% of people described the information provided as part of the public engagement as either helpful (73%) or ‘neither helpful nor unhelpful’ (23%)

We also noted concerns expressed about the perceived impacts of the preferred option on traffic flow, congestion, and the increased crossing points and journey times for pedestrian and cyclists, notably those travelling in the north/south direction between Wickford and Basildon.

We did

The data collected as part of the survey enabled us to gain a fuller understanding of people’s views on air quality and our proposals to help inform the decision-making processes and our outline business case for the scheme.

It also enabled us to identify potential issues and concerns and to ensure that any feedback about our proposals can be taken into consideration as they are developed further.

Having considered people’s feedback, an outline business case for the scheme has now been approved by both Essex County Council and Basildon Borough Council and has been submitted to the Government for approval.

Following comments about the increased journey times and number of crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists travelling between Wickford and Basildon, potential future mitigation measures are being investigated. Design changes have also been made to the scheme to widen parts of the proposed crossing route.

The public had a further opportunity to comment on the amended proposals during a public notice period in April/May 2021.

A full business case is expected to be submitted this summer, with construction of the scheme scheduled to start in the autumn and be completed in the winter, bringing air quality to within legal levels in 2022.

To find out more about the proposed scheme, please visit essex.gov.uk/airquality.

We asked


Essex County Council carried out a public consultation on proposals for changes to the use of Concessionary Bus Passes on Essex County Council run Park and Ride services.

The consultation asked questions to establish whether or not people agreed with the proposals and their reasons for this, as well as what existing concessionary pass holders would do if they had to pay a reduced fare to use the service.

The consultation ran from 8 May 2019 to 31 July 2019, and asked whether the public agree with the following proposals:

1. That the concession offered by the County Council on its Park and Ride services in Chelmsford and Colchester to holders of older people’s bus passes should change from free travel after 9am on weekdays (and at all times at weekends and on public holidays), to a £1.50 day fare when showing their bus pass.

2. That holders of disability-based passes should continue to be able to use their free pass on these services after 9am on weekdays (and at all times at weekends and on public holidays) but should also be able to buy a £1.50 day fare when showing their bus pass before 9am.

You said

Key conclusions

  • 26% of respondents agreed with proposal 1
  • 73% of respondents disagreed with proposal 1
  • 62% of respondents agreed with proposal 2
  • 35% of respondents disagreed with proposal 2

Please see final report for summary of responses.

We did

Both proposals have been agreed, and changes will come into effect from 01 April 2020.

At present all bus pass holders pay the full Park and Ride fare until 09:00 (except at weekends and public holidays when they travel free at all time). Between 09:00 and 24:00 they travel for free.

From 01 April 2020 older people’s pass holders will have to pay a reduced rate of £1.50 at all times. There is an introductory offer of 2 adult pass holders can travel for £2 for the first six months.

Disability pass holders will still be able to travel free between 09:00 and 24:00 on weekdays and at all times at weekends and public holidays.

In addition they will be able to pay a reduced fare of £1.50 to travel before 09:00 on weekdays.

This decision relates to both Chelmsford Park and Rides (Sandon & Chelmer Valley), Colchester Park and Ride and the Broomfield Hospital Shuttle Service.

We asked

Essex County Council recognizes the importance of walking both as a form
of transport and as a leisure activity. The Walking Strategy is a response
to the challenges and opportunities of walking in Essex, it outlines in detail
the steps being taken to encourage walking at present and the direction
that will be taken in the future.

The consultation seeked views on the draft sections within the document to inform the final strategy

You said

Key conclusions

884 respondents

Over half of the respondents (598) stated that 'leisure' was
the main purpose for walking

The main purpose for people walking is to enjoy green

On average 77% of respondents who are essex residents walk for more than 15 minutes a day

For 10-15 minute distances, 728 out of 884 residents would
walk rather than use other modes of transport such as

For detailed findings can be found via the consultation page

We did

The results of the consultation is shaping a further engagement piece
that will inform the final version of the strategy ready for publication at a later date

We asked

Essex County Council have produced a draft Green Essex Strategy that raises the importance of developing quality green infrastructure and green spaces across Essex to accompany planned growth across the county over the next 20 years.

The startegy was developed an Essex County Council cross directorate steering group and a range of stakeholders

The consultation seeked views and feedback on the draft document in development of the Green strategy

You said

Key Conclusions

931 respondents contributed to the consultation

75.72% of people stated they use green spaces for leisure,  67.34% of people use green spaces for health reasons, 42.64% of people use green spaces for dog walking.

58.21% of people felt easier access of green spaces would increase usage.

52.95% agreed with both the vision and objectives of the Green Strategy

For more information please refer to the reports available via the consultation page

We did

The information received within the consultation is been incorporated in the final strategy which will be published shortly.

We asked


Essex County Council (ECC) carried out a public consultation on several proposals for the Chelmsford Park & Ride service, which aim to reduce costs to the taxpayer, improve the running times of services and meet some customer requests received from engagement carried out in summer 2018.

The consultation ran from 21 January to 22 March 2019, and asked questions around the following:.

  1. Closure of Chelmer Valley Park and Ride on Saturdays due to low usage. Sandon would remain open for customers wishing to use Park and Ride and would run on a loop route around the city centre.
  2. A discounted ticket offer when tickets are purchased digitally through a mobile app.
  3. Raise the child ticket age from 16 to 18 years of age.
  4. Remove the on-site ticket machines as they approach the end of their lifespan from 2019, but continue to allow cash fares to be taken on bus.

You said

Key conclusions

  • 35% of respondents support the proposed Saturday closure of the Chelmer Valley site. 64% of respondents do not support this proposal.
  • 77% of respondents support the proposed discounted ticket when purchased through the mobile app.
  • 81% support the proposal to raise the age for the child ticket.
  • 62% support the proposal to remove ticket machines as they approach the end of their lifespan from 2019, and 37% do not support this proposal.

Please see final report for summary of qualitative themed responses.

We did

Key findings from the consultation have been presented to County Councillors, and a final decision on the proposals is expected in late summer 2019.

We asked

Service 11 operates Monday to Friday with financial support from Essex County Council (ECC). ECC considered amending the Monday – Friday timetable and carried out a public consultation regarding this proposal between 28 November 2018 and 02 January 2019. 

Due to congestion around Severalls Business Park and Colchester North Station in the late afternoon and evening, ECC proposed amending the existing timetable with the aim of improving reliability.

The Proposal 

  • The timings of some the morning journeys to be slightly adjusted
  • Journey times in the evening to be longer and as a result the number of journeys to be reduced to provide more running time.

The consultation therefore put forward the following question: Would you like to see the service revert to its previous route? 

You said

Key conclusions

A high number of responses said they agreed with the changes. 

We did


On the basis of the outcome of the consultation, it was agreed to amend the timetable in accordance with the proposal.

Final Decision

The new timetable will come into operation on Monday 18 March, stakeholders have been informed.

We asked


Service 381 operates Monday to Saturdays with financial support from Essex County Council (ECC). ECC considered amending the Monday – Friday timetable and carried out a public consultation regarding this proposal for 6 weeks between 16 October 2018 and 26 November 2018

Due to low passenger numbers in the early morning and late afternoon period, ECC looked at ways to increase patronage on the 381 service and proposed to make the changes below.

The service to start at 6:55 from Coopersale to Epping Station with another run at 07:25, the timetable will then resume the current operation from Coopersale to Harlow from 7:55. The last two journeys of the day will operate between Epping Station - Coopersale at 18:05 and 18:30.

The consultation therefore put forward the following question: Would you like to see the service revert to its previous route?

You said

Key conclusions

Respondent themed responses said they did not want to see services change and a number of respondents stated the withdrawal would affect them, there routine and community.

We did


On the basis of the outcome of the consultation, it was agreed to take no action at this time.

Final Decision

As the comments from the survey were not conclusive, Essex County Council has decided to take no action following the consultation. The running of the service will be monitored further and Officers propose to meet with Local Parish Councils over the coming months to see how the current service can be improved for local residents.

We asked

The Essex Health Wellbeing Board has many responsibilities with one key responsibility being to develop and produce a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). PNAs looks specifically at the current provision of pharmaceutical services in Essex and determines whether these pharmaceutical services meet the needs of the population and determines if there are any potential gaps to current service delivery

You said

A contractor survey was undertaken from May to June 2017. A resident survey was undertaken in May/June 2017 of the views of Essex residents on the current pharmaceutical services provision. Once completed the results of both surveys were analysed by ECC’s Intelligence and Insight team. The contractor survey results were validated against data from NHS choices and NHS England.

We did

The new PNA was created and signed off for the time period 2018 - 2021

We will continue to assess and develop pharmaceutical services to meet the needs of the population as this is an essential component to improve the health and individuals in Essex. We have concluded that at present we have adequate choice and access to pharmaceutical services in order to meet the needs of our population.

We asked


Following the review of local bus services carried out in 2015/16 in which the Council asked bus users for their views on what services they wanted to see, a number of services were changed in April 2016. One of these was service 15 which had operated from Straight Road via Shrub End, Prettygate shops, Scott Drive and Halstead Road Corner to Colchester Mainline Station on a broadly 15 minute frequency. This was changed to operate to Marks Tey Station to allow access from Marks Tey to a number of emerging developments in response to the results of the area review. In order to improve overall efficiency and cost effectiveness, the service was also reduced in frequency so it could be operated half hourly by one bus instead of the two it had at the time.

The Council considered reverting this bus service to its previous route, and therefore providing a broadly ½ hourly service 0525 - 0710 and 1755 - 1940.

Would you like to see the service revert to its previous route?

You said

74% of respondents agreed with proposal
26% of respondents disagreed with proposal

Please see final report for summary of qualitative themed responses

We did

Changes were made to the service to ensure it remained viable and to do so, the new residents in Stanway were provided with a service to enable commuter access to Marks Tey station where Greater Anglia provide a direct, regular train service to both London and Ipswich. Hedingham are looking at widening the service to include areas which have not yet benefitted from a service, thus improving accessibility for a number of residents.


Final Decision

After due consideration, the decision was made that the service should not revert back to its original route until the full potential of the service serving Marks Tey is known.