Essex Carers All-Age Strategy 2022-2026 Consultation

Closed 13 Mar 2022

Opened 14 Feb 2022

Feedback updated 13 Apr 2022

We asked

Essex County Council recognises the importance of supporting unpaid carers in Essex and our aim is that “We will help those carers of all ages whose caring duties are impacting most on their wellbeing by achieving a step change in the advice, guidance and support we provide to support wellbeing and independence, and by targeting it at those who need it most” [Everyone’s Essex, 2021-25].

To ensure ECC can meet this objective, research and engagement has been carried out with carers in Essex and those who support them, to understand their lived experiences and gather their views. Six commitments to carers were then co-produced, and ECC ran a consultation to seek views and feedback on these.

The consultation ran from 14th February to 13th March 2022, and was promoted via the ECC website, social media, and direct with a number of carers organisations and community groups. A number of events were also held virtually and in-person which provided opportunity to promote the consultation.

You said

The consultation received a total of 90 responses. This included 2 paper copies and 5 Easy Read responses.

Level of agreement with each of the commitments was high:

1) Carers can easily access information and support when they need it and early into their caring role

At least 93% agreed or strongly agreed with the aims under this commitment.

2) Develop professional practice and processes to improve identification of and support to carers

At least 93% agreed or strongly agreed with the aims under this commitment.

3) Improve transitions for carers as they move through specific phases or events in their caring role

At least 91% agreed or strongly agreed with the aims under this commitment.

4) Carers will have increased opportunity to access good quality support, including short breaks

At least 89% agreed or strongly agreed with the aims under this commitment.

5) Carers’ needs and rights will be understood and recognised across Essex communities

At least 89% agreed or strongly agreed with the aims under this commitment.

6) Carers will be the experts that influence and be involved in the decisions that are intended to improve support & wellbeing

At least 91% agreed or strongly agreed with the aims under this commitment.

Free text comments indicate that while there is strong support for the proposed aims, carers would like more detail as to how they will be achieved and would like to see tangible action taken. Many commented that support is difficult to find and access, with some currently experiencing a lack of support, and there appears to be some level of scepticism around how positive changes will be made.

We did

All feedback and comments received through the consultation process have been reviewed and analysed, and will be used to inform the final Essex Carers All-Age Strategy 2022-26, due to be launched in April 2022.

For more detail, please download a copy of the consultation report.


There is an estimated 150,000 people in Essex providing care and support to someone else who needs help with their day-to-day life.

Essex County Council recognises the importance of supporting unpaid carers in Essex and our aim is that “We will help those carers of all ages whose caring duties are impacting most on their wellbeing by achieving a step change in the advice, guidance and support we provide to support wellbeing and independence, and by targeting it at those who need it most” Everyone’s Essex, 2021-25.

To ensure we can meet this objective we have been carrying out research directly with carers in Essex, as well as those people who support them, to understand their lived experiences and gather their views. A summary of the findings can be accessed via the reports linked at the bottom of this page.

As part of our engagement with carers, we heard about some really positive things that work well and how carers have benefitted from support from peers, the advice and guidance received from professionals, and the positive aspects of the services we commission from the voluntary and community sector. However, there is always room to improve and having listened to what carers have said, we have been able to co-produce with them six commitments to carers.

Why your views matter

This consultation asks you to think about these commitments and gives a further opportunity for you to feed opinions back to us. You are asked to rate your level of agreement/disagreement against each commitment and provide comments if you wish to. 

The further comments section provides an important opportunity for you to tell us any ideas and/or details related to each commitment. There is also a section at the end for you to propose any other commitments you think need to be included.

Your views are invaluable and will be used to help shape the final 2022-26 Essex Carers All-Age Strategy due to be launched in April 2022.

If you require this survey in an alternative format, please contact

If you are under 16 years old please ask your parent or carer’s permission to
take part.

An Easy Read version of this consultation is available here:


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Community initiatives
  • Support for adults
  • Support for children
  • Support for carers
  • Policy making