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394 results

  • ELSA Tendring Training Day 5 evaluation

    Here is a quick online survey to see how you found the session today. More
    Opened 21 March 2022
  • Questionnaire for providers

    As part of our Market Shaping Strategy, Essex County Council are pleased to announce the launch of our Market Shaping Engagement, which will run from 21st March 2022 to 21st June 2022. To deliver a Market Shaping Strategy, the local authority will need to collaborate closely with partners, including people with care and support needs, carers and families, to encourage and facilitate the whole market in its area for care, support and related services. Through our Market... More
    Opened 21 March 2022
  • Essex Big Weekend Survey

    The Essex Big Weekend is aimed at the local market to encourage them to visit new places in their own county. Residents enter a ballot for tickets which are donated by tourism businesses, then redeemed either during a weekend or as per last year over a month. This creates a lot of media coverage and promotion as well as businesses benefitting from the sale of additional tickets, secondary spend, awareness generation and word of mouth. We want to make sure that the Big Weekend... More
    Opened 18 March 2022
  • Service Evaluation of Essex Specificity Document

    A short questionnaire to find out EPs thoughts about the Essex Specificity Document and how useful this document has been when writing psychological advice. More
    Opened 18 March 2022
  • LHA Consultation

    The current contract (Essex Young People’s Partnership or EYPP Service) for housing related support services for vulnerable young people expires on 31 st May 2022. Following an open tender process, the awarding of the contract for the new service was given to Nacro, working in partnership with Peabody. The new contract is for a 5-year term from 1 st June 2022 to 31 st May 2027 with the option to extend for up to a further 2 years. The new service will play a key... More
    Opened 17 March 2022
  • Social Value Staff Survey 2022

    What is Social Value? Put simply, social value is an umbrella term for capturing the full net value an organisation provides to society. This can include how an organisation supports the local economy, for example by helping local people into employment or buying from other local businesses; or activities that provide other benefits, such as promoting opportunities for disadvantaged groups or reducing waste. How do we measure social value? We currently measure... More
    Opened 9 March 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews: bus operator survey

    As part of a countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 3 March 2022
  • Carbon Reduction Plan Survey

    Making Essex Carbon Neutral The Essex Climate Action Commission (ECAC) published its report ‘Net-Zero: Making Essex Carbon Neutral’ in July 2021, which sets out a comprehensive plan for Essex to: Reduce its Green House Gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by 2050 in line with UK statutory commitments. Make Essex more resilient to climate impacts such a flooding, water shortages and overheating. The report’s is a call to action for... More
    Opened 28 February 2022
  • Essex Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2026 Consultation

    What is the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy? Every local area must have a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) setting out the priorities identified through the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) that local government, the NHS and other partners will deliver together through the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB). The JHWS is intended to set ‘a small number of key strategic priorities for action’, where there is an opportunity for partners to ‘have a real... More
    Opened 17 February 2022
  • Neuro-Diverse Internships - Hiring Manager Feedback

    We’d like to thank you for participating in the Neuro-Diverse Internship programme and would love to hear from you about your experience during your placement, the support you received and where you feel we could improve. Please complete this brief survey to provide your feedback, which will help us to improve the programme for the future. More
    Opened 16 February 2022
  • Kickstart Hiring Manager End of Placement Feedback

    We would like to thank you for participating in the Kickstart Scheme and would love to hear your thoughts on the programme now that your Kickstarter has finished their placement. Please complete this brief survey to provide your feedback, which will help us to improve other early career programmes for the future. More
    Opened 16 February 2022
  • Essex Carers All-Age Strategy 2022-2026 Consultation

    There is an estimated 150,000 people in Essex providing care and support to someone else who needs help with their day-to-day life. Essex County Council recognises the importance of supporting unpaid carers in Essex and our aim is that “We will help those carers of all ages whose caring duties are impacting most on their wellbeing by achieving a step change in the advice, guidance and support we provide to support wellbeing and independence, and by targeting it at... More
    Opened 14 February 2022
  • Equality Objectives 2022-2025 consultation - EASY READ

    Draft Equality Objectives 2022-2025 - Easy Read Equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of the council’s values as an organisation. Our Equality Objectives tell you what we plan to do to improve equality in Essex. The Equality Act says that we must write equality objectives every 4 years. Everyone’s Essex Everyone’s Essex is the name of... More
    Opened 14 February 2022
  • Equality Objectives 2022-2025 consultation

    Draft Equality Objectives 2022-2025 Equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of the council’s values as an organisation. Our equality objectives are important to us as they guide the work we carry out across the county and show our commitment to challenging inequality and promoting fairness and inclusivity. The Equality Act 2010 requires the Council to publish equality objectives at least every four years, to show... More
    Opened 14 February 2022
  • Essex Minerals Local Plan Review Policy S6

    Essex Minerals Local Plan Review Policy S6 Engagement The Essex Minerals Local Plan was adopted in July 2014 and provides planning policies for minerals development in Essex until 2029. It sets a policy framework within which the best possible use of mineral resources; mainly sand and gravel in Essex, can be achieved. It also allocates sites for future mineral extraction and associated development. Proposed amendments to the Essex Minerals Local Plan 2014... More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews - Basildon

    As part of a Countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews - Braintree

    As part of a Countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews - Brentwood

    As part of a Countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews - Castle Point

    As part of a Countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews - Chelmsford

    As part of a Countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews - Colchester

    As part of a Countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews - Epping Forest

    As part of a Countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews - Harlow

    As part of a Countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews - Maldon

    As part of a Countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews - Rochford

    As part of a Countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews - Tendring

    As part of a Countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Bus Network Reviews - Uttlesford

    As part of a Countywide review of the Essex bus network, we would like to get your views on how the local bus network could be improved. More
    Opened 11 February 2022
  • Tendring ELSA Day 2 evaluation

    Here is a quick online survey to see how you found the session today. More
    Opened 7 February 2022
  • Uttlesford bus consultation feb 2022

    Local Bus services in Uttlesford Introduction We know that buses are important to many people. They help people reach school, college and work, to shop, go out and visit friends and to get to health appointments. As in most cases outside London, the majority of the bus network in Essex (around 85%) is run commercially. The commercial bus services (which include most of the daytime and peak period services in and between Towns) do not form... More
    Opened 7 February 2022
  • ELSA Training Day 6 and beyond

    Here is a quick online survey to see how you found the session today. More
    Opened 31 January 2022
394 results. Page 6 of 14