371 results
Fostering and Supported Lodgings: Carer Engagement
Essex County Council (ECC) want to hear from Foster Carers and Supported Lodgings Carers. As we need to improve recruitment and retention of Carers to meet the efficiency needs for children. We are investigating potential future offers for Carers at ECC and we have some potential ideas we would like to share with you. Your feedback will be crucial in helping us identify the most beneficial ideas and agreeing how best to proceed with this work, ensuring we are investing in the right... MoreClosed 19 March 2023 -
Chelmer Valley Park and Ride expansion
Park and Ride remains a crucial part of our vision and strategy for Chelmsford, as outlined in the Chelmsford Future Transport Network Strategy . It provides a quick and easy way to travel into the city centre and reduces the number of cars on the city’s road network, helping reduce congestion and carbon emissions. Although passenger numbers have dropped following the COVID-19 pandemic, use of our Park and Ride sites is increasing again and we expect passenger... MoreClosed 12 March 2023 -
Colchester Healthy School Streets Survey
By completing this survey you will help us better understand local school parent/pupil, resident and business needs and concerns with regard to Norman Way, Sussex Road, Rembrandt Way, Constantine Rd, Wellesley Road and surrounding roads. We will take this feedback into consideration as we develop the project. We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d... MoreClosed 12 March 2023 -
Chelmsford Healthy School Streets
By completing this survey you will help us better understand local school parent/pupil, resident and business needs and concerns with regard to Trinity Road and surrounding roads. We will take this feedback into consideration as we develop the project. We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d like to see. For more information please... MoreClosed 12 March 2023 -
Braintree Healthy School Streets Survey
By completing this survey you will help us better understand local school parent/pupil, resident and business needs and concerns with regard to Lancaster Way, Gilchrist Way and surrounding roads. We will take this feedback into consideration as we develop the project. We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d like to see. For more... MoreClosed 12 March 2023 -
John Harper Healthy School Street
By completing this survey you will help us better understand local school parent/pupil, resident and business needs and concerns with regard to John Harper and surrounding roads. We will take this feedback into consideration as we develop the project. We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d like to see. For more information please... MoreClosed 12 March 2023 -
Balkerne Hill Subway
Essex County Council (ECC) wants to make Colchester Safer, Greener and Healthier for residents of all abilities to walk, wheel and cycle, improving air quality and reducing congestion. To support this, ECC is proposing a new east-west route into Colchester town centre. To comply with best practice in safe design, we are proposing to replace t he underpass under Balkerne Hill with a new safer crossing for both cyclists and pedestrians. For more information about the... MoreClosed 10 March 2023 -
Residential & Nursing Care - IRN - KPI's Period 7
In line with the Integrated Residential and Nursing framework agreement (IRN), The key performance indicators for period 7 (June 2022 to November 2022) are now due. Therefore please complete the survey by 05/03/2023. Any Questions please email: IRN.ProjectTeam@essex.gov.uk MoreClosed 5 March 2023 -
Quality Workshop
Feedback for Quality Workshop on 23rd February 2023 MoreClosed 3 March 2023 -
Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice Support Service (SEND IASS) Roadshow workshop booking form (Mid Essex)
THIS BOOKING FORM IS FOR WORKSHOPS ONLY - IF YOU ARE ONLY ATTENDING THE ROADSHOW ELEMENT YOU DO NOT NEED TO COMPLETE THIS FORM. Welcome to the online booking system for the SEND IASS workshops for Mid Essex being held at the Hamptons Sports and Leisure Centre on Tuesday 14th March 2023. WORKSHOPS : Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Dissorder (ADHD) and Coexisting conditions Understand your SEN child's behaviour and communications Mindfulness and strategies of... MoreClosed 2 March 2023 -
Live at Home Framework Quarterly Performance Report - Domiciliary Care - Reporting Period 4 2022-23
The Service Provider is required to collect data in relation to its performance against the Key Performance Indicators and the Management Information statements and targets. The Service Provider shall submit a Performance Report to the Council on a quarterly basis in accordance with the LHRL Quarterly Review Process as detailed in paragraph 3 (LHRL Quarterly Review Process) of Part 3 LHRL AND ISSUE OF ISP & PURCHASE ORDERS. Guidance to assist in the completion of this report can be... MoreClosed 1 March 2023 -
Essex Equalities Community of Practice and Virtual Hub
At the January 2023 meeting of the Essex Equality Network (EEN), we discussed the idea of extending and strengthening the EEN’s collaboration. The proposal involved a strengthened community of practice and a virtual hub for sharing resources. We are keen to understand what aspects you feel could add the most value to you and your organisation. It would also be helpful to understand how you would like to get involved in working together to develop this proposal further. We... MoreClosed 24 February 2023 -
Amalgamation of St Thomas of Canterbury Church of England (Voluntary Aided) Infant School and St Thomas of Canterbury Church of England (Voluntary Aided) Junior School
The governing bodies of St Thomas of Canterbury CofE (VA) Infant School and St Thomas of Canterbury CofE (VA) Junior School, together with Essex County Council (ECC), are consulting on a proposal to create a single primary, under the unified leadership of one headteacher and one governing body. The governing bodies, with the support of ECC, are therefore proposing that the two schools amalgamate to form a primary school for children aged 4 to 11 with effect from September 2023. MoreClosed 23 February 2023 -
Disability Strategy consultation
We want to write a new strategy that sets out what we will do to support people with learning disabilities, sensory impairment and physical disabilities over the next four years to help them to live the best life they can. This new strategy will cover: adults over the age of 18 people with a learning disability people with a sensory impairment. This means sight and/ or hearing loss people with... MoreClosed 23 February 2023 -
Disability Strategy 2022 - EASY READ
Disability Strategy 2022 Consultation - EasyRead Version If you have any questions or comments about this survey, you can email us at: Disabilitystrategy@essex.gov.uk MoreClosed 23 February 2023 -
DART 1 and 2 Uttlesford consultation
CONSULTATION DART 1 AND DART 2 - UTTLESFORD The contracts for DaRT 1 and DaRT 2 services are due to expire in April 2023. Both contracts are operated by Essex & Suffolk DaRT (Arrow Taxi Essex Ltd). New bus services introduced in August 2022 now cover some areas also currently covered by the DaRT services. Timetables for these alternative services can be found at the end of this document. Because of this overlap we are proposing to re-design the current DaRT... MoreClosed 3 February 2023 -
The Essex Food Waste Pledge
This page has expired. Please click here to sign the Essex Food Waste Pledge . MoreClosed 31 January 2023 -
Overnight Short Breaks Consultation - Parent/Carers
The Children Act 1989 requires local authorities to provide short breaks for families with disabled children. Short breaks give carers a break from additional caring responsibilities while enabling children and young people to meet friends, take part in activities, develop independence and have fun. The Council’s current short breaks offer comprises of a wide suite of early intervention provision including Short Breaks Community Clubs and Activities, and subsidised caravan holidays as... MoreClosed 31 January 2023 -
Employment research survey
This survey is for people aged 18+ living and/or working in Essex. Public sector partners across Essex are carrying out research to find out more about people’s opinions on public sector employment, and what motivates people to choose or avoid jobs within the public sector. We’re looking to hear from a diverse range of people to participate in virtual focus group sessions, so that we hear a range of different views and experiences in this research.... MoreClosed 23 January 2023 -
Colchester LCWIP 4 consultation
In Colchester, car journeys of up to 3.5miles (5km) make up 40% of all journeys. In fact, many car journeys are much shorter, with around 20% being just 1 mile or less. Although in some cases there is a good reason for these journeys, many of these trips could be made using a more sustainable form of transport like walking, cycling or public transport. To help people make the change to more active forms of travel we recognise the need to improve our walking and cycling... MoreClosed 20 January 2023 -
Mill Road Healthy School Streets
By completing this survey you will help us better understand local school parent/pupil, resident and business needs and concerns with regard to Mill Road and surrounding roads. We will take this feedback into consideration as we develop the project. We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d like to see. This survey closes on the 13th... MoreClosed 13 January 2023 -
Bowes Road Healthy School Streets
By completing this survey you will help us better understand local school parent/pupil, resident and business needs and concerns with regard to Mill Road and surrounding roads. We will take this feedback into consideration as we develop the project. We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d like to see. This survey closes on the 13th Jan... MoreClosed 13 January 2023 -
Broome Grove Healthy School Streets
By completing this survey you will help us better understand local school parent/pupil, resident and business needs and concerns with regard to Mill Road and surrounding roads. We will take this feedback into consideration as we develop the project. We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d like to see. This survey closes on the 13th... MoreClosed 13 January 2023 -
Leading Greater Essex 2023 Application
Leading Greater Essex 2023 Application MoreClosed 7 January 2023 -
Essex Residents' panel
Essex residents' panel If you’re aged 18+ and live in Essex, you could join our Residents’ Panel. Find out how to get involved with the project on our website. Information about Essex residents' panel If you would like to join the residents' panel, please click on the link below MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
Proposed expansion of Great Bentley Primary School
Invitation to participate in an online consultation relating to the proposed expansion of Great Bentley Primary School. Essex County Council (ECC) as the Education Authority, are proposing to expand this primary school so as to provide an additional 210 pupil places (1form of entry) in order to meet the growth in the number of school places required for local children in the village. The project design team has been developing a proposal that would... MoreClosed 22 December 2022 -
Young People's Survey 2022
This survey is for young people in Essex aged 11-25. It is really important to Essex Youth Service that young people have a voice in deciding what is important to them in their local area. We will use the information you share with us to direct our services and activities for young people in your area. You can choose whether or not you answer the questions in this survey. We won’t use your name or anything that identifies you in anything we report on. Once we have... MoreClosed 11 December 2022 -
Park and Ride Ticket Price Change consultation
Essex County Council are looking to change the price of some tickets on the Park and Ride services in order to increase the number of people using the service. This consultation asks for your views. These will be taken into consideration before a decision is taken. Data protection Essex County Council fully complies with information legislation. If you would like the full details of how we use personal data, and the rights you have about its use, please go to ... MoreClosed 9 December 2022 -
Market Engagement Survey November 2022
For those of you who attended our recent market engagement in Chelmsford, thank you for your contribution and we hope you found this event beneficial. Following on from the event we would like to gather some feedback from those in attendance and were not able to make it. Please could you take the time to complete the following survey. We would really like to hear your response before Tuesday 29th November 2022 MoreClosed 9 December 2022 -
Live at Home Framework Quarterly Performance Report- Domiciliary Care - Quarter 3 2022-23
The Service Provider is required to collect data in relation to its performance against the Key Performance Indicators and the Management Information statements and targets. The Service Provider shall submit a Performance Report to the Council on a quarterly basis in accordance with the LHRL Quarterly Review Process as detailed in paragraph 3 (LHRL Quarterly Review Process) of Part 3 LHRL AND ISSUE OF ISP & PURCHASE ORDERS. Guidance to assist in the completion of this report can be... MoreClosed 30 November 2022
371 results.
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