Waste Strategy for Essex Consultation

Closed 22 Nov 2023

Opened 13 Sep 2023

Feedback updated 30 Jul 2024

We asked

The draft Waste Strategy for Essex provides a framework for managing our recycling and waste in Essex for the next 30 years. It includes a shared vision, key principles and ambitious targets.

In September 2023, a 10-week public consultation was launched on behalf of Essex Waste Partnership. The consultation gave people the chance to have their say on the draft Waste Strategy.

A total of 4,545 responses to the consultation were received. This included 4,224 responses to the full survey and 321 responses to the Easy Read survey. The survey responses were independently analysed.

You said

Headline results show there is a good level of agreement from all areas in Essex on key proposals within the draft strategy.

Headline findings from the full survey:

  • 67% agreed with the vision statement for the Waste Strategy for Essex.
  • 48% thought the targets are about right. A further 28% would prefer more ambitious targets and 13% would prefer less ambitious targets.
  • 49% thought the ambitions are about right, with 27% preferring higher ambitions and 13% preferring lower ambitions. 6% would prefer none at all, and 6% were not sure.
  • 63% agreed with the move to embrace a circular economy, in which finite resources are conserved and used efficiently.
  • The majority of respondents agreed with the waste hierarchy priorities, with 65% agreeing with waste prevention, 71% with reuse, and 77% with recycle.
  • 78% agreed that the EWP should reduce the use of landfill.
  • 61% agreed that adopting the use of anaerobic digestion for the treatment of food waste is the right solution.
  • 69% agreed that that after recycling everything we can, adopting Energy from Waste for residual waste is the right solution.
  • In regard to achieving collaboration and innovation, the majority of respondents agreed with all statements for how this should be achieved, ranging between 67% to 86% agreement
  • 77% agreed with the proposal around ‘educate and engage’, to listen to residents and deliver information and initiatives to encourage changes in attitudes and behaviour to reduce waste and recycle more.
  • 70% agreed with the proposed approach to research, planning and performance monitoring.
  • In the full survey, respondents could provide their feedback on the Strategic Environmental Assessment. 288 respondents provided feedback, with 54% agreeing that the Environmental Report correctly identified the likely significant effects of the draft strategy, and 46% disagreeing.
  • There was widespread agreement for the different areas of the strategy amongst the five Essex Waste Partnership member organisations that provided a response to the consultation, although it should be noted that one preferred higher targets and one would prefer lower ambitions to be achieved at a later date.

Reports can be found on the links at the bottom of this page.

We did

Findings from the consultation analysis have been used to help develop a final version of the waste strategy.

The adoption of the Waste Strategy for Essex will be subject to a separate decision by each partnership council. Councils in the Essex Waste Partnership are planning to take decisions during Summer 2024. ECC took a decision to adopt the waste strategy on 23 July 2024.

If you’d like to find out more about the new Waste Strategy for Essex, please visit Waste Strategy for Essex. For ideas on how to reduce your waste and recycle more, please visit Love Essex.



This consultation has now closed. Thank you for taking part and sharing your views. The responses are currently being independently analysed, and the draft consultation report will be available here in February 2024. If you have any queries before the report is available, please contact wastestrategyforessex@essex.gov.uk

Councils across Essex are working in partnership to develop a new Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy. This draft Waste Strategy for Essex sets out how we will manage the recycling and waste produced in the county for the next 30 years.

Why do we need to act?

  • The previous waste strategy for Essex was developed in 2007 and a great deal has changed since then.
  • There is a significant climate change challenge ahead. We need to take action now to address the impacts of climate change and achieve the goal of Essex becoming a net zero county by 2050.
  • Waste management is a major contributor to climate change and is currently responsible for about 4% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK.
  • Improving environmental efficiency by making different choices about how we collect and treat waste will help reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated.  
  • Waste prevention can also deliver benefits by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in other sectors, such as agriculture, transport and manufacturing.

Setting a new strategy will ensure we have the right approaches to deliver the best outcomes for Essex.

The draft strategy

The draft strategy is developed by the Essex Waste Partnership. The partnership brings together the 12 borough, city and district councils in the county with Essex County Council. The partnership aims to ensure cost-efficient and sustainable waste management across the county. 

The draft strategy takes account of research, national legislation and policy and sets out our proposed approach, what we propose to do, and our targets and ambitions.

The key elements of the draft strategy are:

  • Working together to minimise the impact that waste management has on the environment, whilst offering value for money to the taxpayer.
  • Embracing the circular economy. This means minimising our waste, recycling more, and rethinking how we will manage the waste that cannot be recycled to conserve resources.
  • Coordinating the design and delivery of services to achieve the vision, targets and ambitions of this strategy.
  • Supporting residents to reduce their waste and recycle more.
  • Working in partnership with each other and engaging with business, industry and government to change how we deal with waste.
  • Setting measurable targets and stretching ambitions and aspirations.

To access the draft strategy, please click on the link below

Draft Waste Strategy for Essex

Why your views matter

We want to know what you think to help us make sure we get things right for the future management of waste in Essex and understand what our strategy means for residents of Essex.

This is an opportunity for you to have your say on the draft strategy and Strategic Environmental AssessmentWe want to understand whether you think the vision, priorities, targets and ambitions in the strategy are the right ones. We want to know if there is anything else you think we should consider.

We will review all the feedback we receive. Each response will help to shape the final version of the Waste Strategy for Essex.

We want to ensure that everyone who wants to have their say is able to do so. If you would like a large print version of this document, a paper copy, or to discuss alternative options, please contact 0345 6037625 or email wastestrategyforessex@essex.gov.uk.

An Easy Read version of this survey is available to complete here: https://consultations.essex.gov.uk/rci/waste-strategy-consultation-easy-read

A 'print at home' version is available below.

Data protection

Essex County Council is facilitating this consultation on behalf of the Essex Waste Partnership.  Essex County Council fully complies with information legislation. If you would like the full details of how we use personal data, and the rights you have about its use, please go to www.essex.gov.uk/privacy-adults or call 03457 430430.


  • All Areas


  • All residents
  • Organisations
  • Partnerships


  • Waste
  • Recycling
  • Environmental planning
  • Democracy
  • Policy making