Care Worker Survey 2024

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Closes 17 May 2024

Your role

1. Do you deliver direct care to vulnerable adults in Essex?
2. Your job title
3. Select each of the following that you currently receive in your role
4. Hourly Pay - please indicate your hourly pay rate to help us understand what the workforce is being paid.
5. Select the primary area of the county you work in
6. Select the primary location type for where you deliver the majority of care
7. What do you like about working in care?
8. What don’t you like so much about working in care?
9. What service do you deliver?
10. Your work pattern
11. How long have you worked in care?
12. If you joined care in last 3 years, how did you find your job?
13. Before your current role did you work in any of the following services? If more than one please choose the last service you worked in.
14. Are you thinking of leaving your job and if so, why?
15. What one thing would you change about your job and why?
16. Is there anything that impacts your ability to work?
17. Do you have any thoughts on how we can help promote working in care? Or further comments in relation to the above?