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402 results

  • Non-Registered Poultry Premises Report Form

    Non-Registered Poultry Premises Report fform EXD47 More
    Closed 7 January 2022
  • 'Leading Greater Essex' Alumni Survey

    With more than 200 leaders having already successfully completed 'Leading Greater Essex' since 2016, ECC is interested in forming an Alumni network for individuals who have participated in it. ECC hopes that an alumni network will enable past and present participants to build an ongoing learning community that enables access to research, courses and key speakers so that they can continue their personal development. An alumni network could establish a critical mass of system... More
    Closed 6 January 2022
  • Harlow North to Centre Sustainable Transport Corridor

    The proposals for new Sustainable Travel Corridors in Harlow will see the creation of high-quality walking, cycling and public transport options which connect new and existing neighbourhoods quickly with key destinations such as the town centre, railway station and business areas. The North-Centre corridor is the first to be brought forward with a more in-depth design. Proposals include high-quality bus rapid transit, walking and cycling improvements, along the A1019 from Burnt... More
    Closed 5 January 2022
  • Children's Residential Forum

    ECC will be holding a strategic provider forum, we are looking into which providers will be interested in joining the forum. There will be more information and an agenda released closer to the forum once we have confirmed the date. More
    Closed 5 January 2022
  • MH online study data consent

    Thank you again for taking part in the Mental Health support online study. A report is now being pulled together, that will include quotes, high-level journeys, summarised information, but ALL insight will be anonymised and unidentifable. We would like to confirm whether you would be happy for the following to be used: More
    Closed 3 January 2022
  • Service-user views about EP practice

    As part of our psychology service’s ongoing work to improve, we are keen to gather service-user views about EP practice. The results will be used to improve our EP service delivery. More
    Closed 31 December 2021
  • EYFS Practitioner Newsletter survey for readers

    The EYFS Practitioner Newsletter is now over six months old. We have created this anonymous survey for readers of the newsletter to see if we can make it better for our audience. More
    Closed 31 December 2021
  • Carers Survey

    This survey is for carers in Essex aged 18+. If you are a young carer aged under 18, please complete our survey for young carers . Essex County Council is committed to supporting people who care for others, that is people who look after someone that otherwise wouldn’t be able to manage on their own . To do this effectively we must first listen to you, and this survey is an important part of understanding how we can improve what we do. We want to hear about your... More
    Closed 23 December 2021
  • Jaywick Sands to Clacton consultation Nov 2021

    Jaywick Sands to Clacton consultation Earlier this summer, we undertook a consultation which included the proposal to transform the current route between Jaywick Sands and the National Cycle Route 150 into a shared cycle route. The aim is to make it as safe and accessible as possible for everybody accessing the route along the sea wall from the Tamarisk Way car park to connect with the National Cycle Route 150. As part of the consultation and... More
    Closed 20 December 2021
  • Group Reflection Sessions

    Thankyou for attending our bi monthly group reflection sessions since July. We have now held 3 group reflections sessions and would like to gather your thoughts and views for our next sessions due to be arranged from January 2022. More
    Closed 17 December 2021
  • Scheme for Financing Schools 2022-23

    The consultation concerns a proposed change to the Scheme for Financing Schools from 1 st April 2022. This consultation is for all nursery schools, mainstream schools, special schools and pupil referral units that are maintained by the Authority. More
    Closed 5 December 2021
  • Enhanced Partnership

    In March 2021 the Department for Transport published the National Bus Strategy, Bus Back Better. The National Bus Strategy says Local Transport Authorities (LTAs) should produce a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) which sets out how LTAs, working closely with their local bus operators and local communities will set out a vision for delivering the step-change in bus services that is required by the National Strategy. In simple terms the BSIP sets out how Essex County Council (ECC)... More
    Closed 3 December 2021
  • Proposal to expand Riverside Primary School from September 2022

    Working in partnership with the senior leadership team of Riverside Primary School, Essex County Council is exploring the possibility of expanding the school (on a phased basis) to 420 places from September 2022, so that it may admit cohorts of 60 children into its Reception Year going forward from that date. Appropriate permanent accommodation would be delivered on the school site to allow that to happen. More
    Closed 2 December 2021
  • Proposal to expand Tendring Primary School from September 2023

    Working in partnership with the senior leadership team of Tendring Primary School, Essex County Council is exploring the possibility of expanding the school (on a phased basis) to 210 places from September 2023, so that it may admit cohorts of 30 children into its Reception Year going forward from that date. Appropriate permanent accommodation would be delivered on the school site to allow that to happen. More
    Closed 2 December 2021
  • Domestic Abuse Support for Housing Associations - Market Engagement Questionnaire

    The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 (The Act) received Royal Assent on 29 April 2021. Part 4 of The Act places a statutory duty on Tier 1 Authorities relating to providing support to victims of domestic abuse (DA) and their children residing within safe accommodation, which includes their home where appropriate safety measures are in place. We (Essex County Council) acknowledge that Housing Associations have an essential role in supporting domestic abuse victims and survivors and aim to do more... More
    Closed 30 November 2021
  • Essex Country Parks - Car Parking Consultation 2021

    Essex Country Park visitors and Essex residents are being asked for their views on car parking payment at the Essex Country Parks sites which include: Belhus Woods Country Park Cudmore Grove Country Park Danbury Country Park Great Notley Country Park Hadleigh Country Park Thorndon Country Park Weald Country Park During the pandemic many people changed their habits for paying for goods and services, moving to contactless and online as a preferred... More
    Closed 14 November 2021
  • Essex County Council - Budget consultation 2022-23

    Essex County Council - Budget consultation 2022-23 Everyone’s Essex: Let’s Talk As Essex County Council shapes our financial plans for 2022/23 and beyond, we want to hear from local people about their views and values. To participate in the consultation, and to find out more about our financial plans, please click on the link below. Data protection Essex County Council fully complies with information legislation. If... More
    Closed 12 November 2021
  • Children's Residential Questionnaire

    Essex County Council is conducting a piece of work to look at increasing capacity within Essex in order to meet the growing needs of our looked after young people. As stated in the Children Act 1989 accommodation provided by local authorities for looked after children must be “within the local authority’s area” unless this is “not reasonably practicable.” As you are aware, this can be a challenge due to the complexity of the presenting needs and availability of... More
    Closed 10 November 2021
  • Bus Brand for Essex

    In March 2021 the Department for Transport published the National Bus Strategy, Bus Back Better. The National Bus Strategy says Local Transport Authorities (LTAs) should produce a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) which sets out how LTAs, working closely with their local bus operators and local communities will set out a vision for delivering the step-change in bus services that is required by the National Strategy. In simple terms the BSIP sets out how Essex County Council (ECC) will... More
    Closed 5 November 2021
  • Essex Pension Fund Away Day Feedback Form

    Please could you complete the feedback form which should only take 30 seconds to enable future events to be developed taking into account all feedback given by staff. More
    Closed 22 October 2021
  • A Bus Brand for Essex

    In March 2021 the Department for Transport published the National Bus Strategy, Bus Back Better. The National Bus Strategy says Local Transport Authorities (LTAs) should produce a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) which sets out how LTAs, working closely with their local bus operators and local communities will set out a vision for delivering the step-change in bus services that is required by the National Strategy. In simple terms the BSIP sets out how Essex County Council (ECC) will... More
    Closed 18 October 2021
  • Brentwood School Streets Survey

    Brentwood School Streets survey A travel behaviour survey for parents/gaurdians to complete. More
    Closed 17 October 2021
  • Chelmsford School Streets Survey

    Chelmsford School Streets survey A travel behaviour survey for parents/gaurdians to complete. More
    Closed 17 October 2021
  • Braintree School Streets Survey

    Braintree School Streets survey A travel behaviour survey for parents/gaurdians to complete. More
    Closed 17 October 2021
  • Colchester School Streets Survey

    Colchester School Streets survey A travel behaviour survey for parents/gaurdians to complete. More
    Closed 17 October 2021
  • Wickford School Streets Survey

    Wickford School Streets Survey A travel behaviour survey for parents/gaurdians to complete. More
    Closed 17 October 2021
  • Graduate Programmes - Feedback

    Graduate programmes are at the very heart of ECC's commitment of bringing talented individuals into the organisation. We hope you are enjoying your time on your graduate programme and would love to hear about your views on searching for graduate vacancies and ECC's recruitment process. Please complete this brief survey to provide your feedback, which will help us to improve the programme for the future. More
    Closed 6 October 2021
  • Army and Navy Sustainable Transport Package

    The Army and Navy Sustainable Transport Package is an unmissable opportunity to re-design the Army and Navy junction - a crucial gateway to Chelmsford – while also providing better options for people to travel and encouraging safer, greener, and healthier ways of getting around the city. Our public consultation focused on two junction options – a hamburger roundabout (a roundabout with a road through the centre of it) and separate T-junctions. The proposed Army and Navy... More
    Closed 3 October 2021
  • Sensory Service from a customer/user perspective.

    At Essex County Council , we want to develop the best possible services for those with a sensory impairment , their friends / families' carers and parents of young people and children. This survey is a first step to gathering your views, ideas and lived experience and is anonymous. W e value your input to help us understand your experiences of current services in Essex and to allow us to explore ideas for the future, so that we... More
    Closed 30 September 2021
  • ESCB - Online Safety - campaign content feedback

    We hope you found information from the ESCB’s online safety week useful. All resources are available on our website: Online Safety ( More
    Closed 30 September 2021
402 results. Page 8 of 14