371 results
Consultation for Beaulieu New Second PS
Invitation to participate in a consultation relating to the proposed new primary school associated with the Beaulieu Park housing development, Chelmsford. MoreOpened 24 October 2022 -
Consultation for New Dry Street P S and EY
Invitation to participate in a consultation relating to the proposed new primary school and early years facility associated with the Dry Street housing development, Basildon. MoreOpened 19 October 2022 -
Market Engagement Feedback Survey
Thank you for attending our market engagement in Chelmsord. Following on from the event we would like to gather some feedback from yourselves. Please could you answer the following questions: What did they feel about the event and content and what would they like us to cover at future events ? Any positive quotes that we can use when we start to advertise the next event ? MoreOpened 18 October 2022 -
Overnight Short Breaks for Children with Disabilities - Parent/Carer and Young People Survey
Your views are important to us! During 2022 Essex County Council will be carrying out a review of the Overnight Short Breaks (OSB) provision and it is vital to us in shaping any future provision that we gather the views of Parents/Carers and of the (ECC) Young People who access the service. Overnight Short Breaks includes several offers: Internally provided overnights at Lavender House or The Maples Externally... MoreOpened 10 October 2022 -
Young People's Survey 2022
This survey is for young people in Essex aged 11-25. It is really important to Essex Youth Service that young people have a voice in deciding what is important to them in their local area. We will use the information you share with us to direct our services and activities for young people in your area. You can choose whether or not you answer the questions in this survey. We won’t use your name or anything that identifies you in anything we report on. Once we have... MoreOpened 3 October 2022 -
Scheme for Financing Schools 2023-24
The consultation concerns proposed changes to the Scheme for Financing Schools from 1 st April 2023. This consultation is for all nursery schools, mainstream schools, special schools and pupil referral units that are maintained by the Authority. MoreOpened 30 September 2022 -
School Funding Consultation 2023-24
The consultation concerns proposed changes to the Essex Formula for Financing Schools (the Essex local formula) for the financial / academic year 2023/24. The consultation is for all primary and secondary schools, both maintained and academies. The Essex local formula 2023/24 will calculate budget allocations for maintained schools between April 2023 and March 2024 and academies between September 2023 and August 2024. Each individual schools’ allocation under the current... MoreOpened 30 September 2022 -
Avian Influenza Survey - Autumn/Winter 2022/23
Bird Flu survey MoreOpened 21 September 2022 -
Love Essex Community Cookbook
To celebrate the return of the Great British Bake Off, we are going to create a Love Essex cookbook! Recipes will be submitted by Essex residents tying in with the weekly theme of the Bake Off. Our favourite recipes will be collated to create a community cookbook. If your recipe is selected, you will receive a copy of the exclusive cookbook to keep! Before submitting your favourite recipe, please make sure to read our privacy notice. By providing your email address, you... MoreOpened 20 September 2022 -
Amalgamation of Sunnymede Infant School and Sunnymede Junior School
Essex County Council (ECC), together with the governing bodies of Sunnymede Infant School and Sunnymede Junior School, is consulting on a proposal to create a single primary, under the unified leadership of one headteacher and one governing body. ECC, with the support of the governing bodies, is therefore proposing that the two schools amalgamate to form a primary school for children aged 4 to 11 with effect from September 2023. MoreOpened 15 September 2022 -
Rural Braintree Survey
Exploring the experiences of working age people with financial pressures in rural Braintree Essex County Council, in partnership with Braintree District Council, is carrying out research to explore the experiences of individuals and households in rural areas of Braintree district, who are having long term or more recent struggles and feeling the financial pressure. We want to talk with a range of working age people (aged 18+ years), including those with and without dependent... MoreOpened 12 September 2022 -
What would help with the cost of living?
Essex County Council is looking at how best to support residents with cost of living concerns. We know that people are struggling with the cost of living and there will be tough times ahead for many. We want to understand what practical things we could do to help you over the coming months. We have a few ideas which we think could be useful and would like to test these out with residents in Essex. Please complete this short survey to share your... MoreOpened 5 September 2022 -
Residential & Nursing Care - IRN - KPI's Period 6
Inline with the Integrated Residential and Nursing framework agreement (IRN), The key performance indicators for period 6 (December 2021 to May 2022) are now due. Therefore please complete the survey by 30/09/2022. Any Questions please email: IRN.ProjectTeam@essex.gov.uk MoreOpened 25 August 2022 -
Consultation for Limebrook Way New Primary & EY
Invitation to participate in a consultation relating to the proposed new primary school and early years facility associated with the Limebrook Way housing development. MoreOpened 22 August 2022 -
Live at Home Quarterly Performance Survey for Older People Care - Quarter 2 2022-23
The Service Provider is required to collect data in relation to its performance against the Key Performance Indicators and the Management Information statements and targets. The Service Provider shall submit a Performance Report to the Council on a quarterly basis in accordance with the LHRL Quarterly Review Process as detailed in paragraph 3 (LHRL Quarterly Review Process) of Part 3 LHRL AND ISSUE OF ISP & PURCHASE ORDERS. Guidance to assist in the completion of this report can be... MoreOpened 15 August 2022 -
Live at Home Quarterly Performance Survey for 24hr Care - Quarter 2 2022-23
The Service Provider is required to collect data in relation to its performance against the Key Performance Indicators and the Management Information statements and targets. The Service Provider shall submit a Performance Report to the Council on a quarterly basis in accordance with the LHRL Quarterly Review Process as detailed in paragraph 3 (LHRL Quarterly Review Process) of Part 3 LHRL AND ISSUE OF ISP & PURCHASE ORDERS. Guidance to assist in the completion of this report can be... MoreOpened 15 August 2022 -
Projects and Research Evaluation 2022
Thank you for attending the Essex Psychology Service's Project and Research conference days. We appreciate all feedback to celebrate what went well and how to make improvements for the future. MoreOpened 29 July 2022 -
Procurement eLearning Survey July 2022
The Procurement Team are reviewing our eLearning materials on how to buy goods, works or services for the Council. For us to be able to help you with purchases above £10K (excluding P-card, Requisitions and Purchase Orders) we need to identify any gaps in knowledge and provide the materials you need. Please answer the following questions to help us to better understand (a) which topics you are confident in and (b) which you would benefit from additional training materials or... MoreOpened 29 June 2022 -
Children's Residential Market Engagement Event July 2022
Following on from our Market Engagement Event in April, ECC is holding a Residential Market Engagement event in July. This event is to provide yourselves with an update on our current work within our strategic provider group. The Market Engagement event will take place on the 12th July 2-4pm. Market Engagement Event Agenda: Tender Discussion Commissioning Update Cohort update: Placing challenges, Types of Young Person placements ... MoreOpened 29 June 2022 -
SETDAB Conference 2022 options
Southend, Essex and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Board annual conference will be held on the 25th November 2022, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the start of 16 days of activism. Options for the focus of the conference have been drawn from themes from domestic homicide reviews. Please use this survey to vote on your preference and let us know any ideas or if you would like to be involved in planning this. https://setdab.org/privacy/ MoreOpened 22 June 2022 -
Relationships & Sex Education Survey 2022
This survey is for young people in Essex age 11yrs (academic Year 7) – 25yrs. Welcome to our Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Survey for young people in Essex. The purpose of this survey is to engage with young people in Essex to help us understand how we can ensure that they are supported to have healthy relationships. Following on from our first RSE survey which ran last summer, gathering the views of 16-25year olds, this year we have continued our work with... MoreOpened 13 June 2022 -
Essex EPS Maths Intervention Research Project 2022-2023
This is a form for you to register your interest in the EPSMI research project. We will contact you via email on Wednesday 6 July 2022 to inform you of the next steps regarding the research. If you are successful then you will be assigned to either Group 1 or Group 2. At this stage it is helpful for you to save both training dates in your diary. Group 1 training date: Thursday 29 September 2022 at Lyons Hall Primary School, Deerleap Way, Braintree, Essex CM7 9FH. 9.00am... MoreOpened 6 June 2022 -
Moving forward together workshop feedback
Your feedback is critical for the Domestic Abuse Commissioning Programme to ensure we meet the objectives of the three-year domestic abuse strategy and the needs of victims and survivors of domestic abuse. We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to share your opinions with us so we can ensure that future workshops meet the priorities and requirements of all stakeholders. MoreOpened 31 May 2022 -
The Beaulieu Park School - Proposal to expand the school by 420 primary places (60 per year) from September 2024
Chelmsford has experienced a significant rise in the demand for school places in recent years as a result of new housing, rising births and families with young children moving into the area (inward migration). There is predicted to be continued pressure on school places in the coming years, mainly as a result of planned housing developments and inward migration. The Greater Beaulieu Park development continues to increase demand for school places in this part of the city, and this proposal... MoreOpened 23 May 2022 -
Ambitious Women Newsletter
Ambitious Women in Essex is currently based around its Linked In page, however we will soon begin circulating a monthly newsletter to reach a wider audience. This newsletter will compliment the Linked In Page and be filled with useful information and links to help women in business. Please complete this survey if you would like to be on the distribution list, all we need is a few details. MoreOpened 23 May 2022 -
Dementia Strategy 2022-2026: Stage two consultation
The Southend, Essex and Thurrock (SET) Dementia Strategy lifecycle ended in 2021 and due to Covid-19 an update was delayed, although partnership activities continued during this period as did evidence gathering to understand the impact of the previous strategy. Essex County Council, Southend-on-Sea City Council and Thurrock Council carried out a public consultation from 15 February 2021 to 5 April 2021 to inform a refresh of the SET Dementia Strategy and asked... MoreOpened 13 May 2022 -
Dementia Strategy 2022-2026: stage two consultation EASY READ
Opened 13 May 2022 -
Visit Essex Bookable Platform Survey
The Visit Essex website now has the function of a booking platform which enables the visitor to book your products when landing on your product entry. It also offers a low commission rate of 5%. We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete this short survey to help gather this information. Please note that all information submitted is given in confidence and information will be used for Visit Essex purposes only. For more details on how we handle... MoreOpened 5 May 2022 -
Essex's Favourite Nursery Rhyme
A survey to find out what Essex's favourite nursery rhyme is. MoreOpened 5 May 2022 -
Proposal to expand Great Bentley Primary School from September 2024
Working in partnership with the senior leadership team of Great Bentley Primary School, Essex County Council is exploring the possibility of expanding the school (on a phased basis) to 420 places from September 2024, so that it may admit cohorts of 60 children into its Reception Year going forward from that date. Appropriate permanent accommodation would be delivered on the school site to allow that to happen. MoreOpened 28 April 2022
371 results.
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