371 results
HARLOW - walking and cycling improvements from the Velizy Avenue/First Avenue roundabout to Sheering Road
We are about to start designing proposed improvements to a walking and cycling route in Harlow- and we would love to hear your views. The route is around 4.5km and starts east of the Velizy Avenue roundabout and finishes at Sheering Road, passing along First Avenue/Mandela Avenue. Please note, while the route runs along Gilden Way, there are no improvements proposed to the existing shared cycleway/footway on Gilden Way. Please see the map below or... MoreClosed 8 November 2023 -
COLCHESTER - walking and cycling improvements linking Colchester Business Park to the Greenstead residential area
We are about to start designing proposed improvements to a walking and cycling route in Colchester- and we would love to hear your views. The route is 8 kms and starts at the Severalls Lane/Mill Road roundabout and finishes on Avon Way at the Greenstead roundabout junction. Please see the map below or download it here . MoreClosed 8 November 2023 -
CHELMSFORD - walking and cycling improvements from Chelmsford city centre to Springfield and Beaulieu Park.
We are about to start designing proposed improvements to a walking and cycling route in Chelmsford- and we would love to hear your views. The route is approximately 4km in length and starts on New Street and finishes at New Nabbotts Way where it meets the A130 White Hart Lane roundabout at Beaulieu Park passing through Anglia Ruskin University and the Chelmer Valley Nature Reserve. Please see the map below or download it here . MoreClosed 8 November 2023 -
BASILDON - walking and cycling improvements connecting Basildon town centre and enterprise zone with Pitsea
We are about to start designing proposed improvements to a walking and cycling route in Basildon- and we would love to hear your views. The route is is 4.5km long and starts at Broadmayne, just east of the Ghyllgrove and Southernhay crossroads and finishes at Fairleigh Avenue/Fairleigh Road. Please see the map below or download it here . MoreClosed 8 November 2023 -
School Funding Consultation 2024-25
The consultation concerns proposed changes to the Essex Formula for Funding Schools (the Essex local formula) for the financial / academic year 2024/25. The consultation is for all primary and secondary schools, both maintained and academies. The Essex local formula 2024/25 will calculate budget allocations for maintained schools between April 2024 and March 2025 and academies between September 2024 and August 2025. Each individual schools’ allocation for 2023/24, the... MoreClosed 5 November 2023 -
Accessing Mental Health and Digital Mental Health
Essex County Council (ECC) are looking to understand how residents of Essex access Mental Health Services in the community and how they use Digital Services to support their Mental Health and Wellbeing. This survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete and the findings will help to shape future options for community support. Your responses will be confidential and you won't be identified from anything we report on. Essex County Council fully complies... MoreClosed 3 November 2023 -
Local Cycling and Walking Routes
Essex County Council want to improve walking and cycling routes to provide residents with a wider choice of how they travel. By developing cycling and walking networks, we can make our streets healthier by reducing congestion and improving air quality. They become safer for those who want to walk or cycle aswell as more accessible and easier to move around. Walking and cycling also offer help improve our physical health and wellbeing. We are doing... MoreClosed 15 October 2023 -
Sawyers Hall Lane Healthy School Street Phase 2 Survey
What are Healthy School Streets? There is a clear opportunity to improve the street environment around schools, to make streets safer. This could include a number of different measures to make it easier to walk or cycle to school. However, we would really like to hear your views, to shape the next stage of Healthy School Streets to be implemented next year and help us plan for the future. From engaging with the school local community, last year we: ... MoreClosed 15 October 2023 -
Short Breaks Survey, West Essex, Children & Young People Aged 15-19
The Children Act 1989 sets out a legal duty for local authorities to provide a range of short break opportunities for parents and carers which enable them to have a break, and to ensure that children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have opportunities to meet friends, take part in activities, develop independence, and have fun by socialising with their peers and learning new skills. The Essex Short Breaks offer... MoreClosed 1 October 2023 -
Residential Care
At Essex County Council we are working on a project looking at the provision of residential care to meet the needs of Young People. Through your feedback we want to understand the current view regarding residential care. Your response will help inform Essex’s residential strategy, designed to improve the outcomes for young people within residential care. Your views are important to us, and we will use them to keep the things that work well or change the things that do not, to... MoreClosed 15 September 2023 -
Residential & Nursing Care - IRN - KPI's Period 8
In line with the Integrated Residential and Nursing framework agreement (IRN), The key performance indicators for period 8 (December 2022 to May 2023) are now due. Therefore please complete the survey by 24/07/2023. Any Questions please email: IRN.ProjectTeam@essex.gov.uk MoreClosed 6 September 2023 -
Consultation for Great Easton CE Primary SEN Provision
Invitation to participate in a consultation relating to the proposed new teaching building and associated works following refurbishment of the existing school to provide dedicated SEN (Special Educational Needs) space at Great Easton Church of England Primary School MoreClosed 28 August 2023 -
Complex Supported Living Cost of Care
As part of the review by Essex County Council into the cost of care of supported living services, we are looking to engage directly with providers delivering care to adults with complex needs. We are currently consulting the wider market in respect of the rates for non-complex care, and this consultation will run alongside that activity. We have a short survey seeking feedback for you to complete. Following assessment it is likely that we would want to engage further with providers... MoreClosed 25 August 2023 -
Community Safety Survey 2023
This survey is aimed at helping the Community Safety Partnerships working across Southend, Essex and Thurrock to identify the impacts of crime and anti-social behaviour in the county. You can complete the survey about any area in Essex, whether you live, work or study there. You can also complete this survey more than once to give us your views about a different area if you wish to do so. The results will be used by the Community Safety... MoreClosed 20 August 2023 -
Maldon District Future Transport Strategy
The Maldon Future Transport Strategy assesses the current opportunities, issues and considerations when looking at how we travel in the Maldon district. It then sets out our proposed strategy for the future. Ahead of completing the following survey, the strategy can be read here We would welcome your views on this. Transport is fundamental and impacts all aspects of our lives from where we choose to live, work and study to our health and the air we breathe. Our... MoreClosed 13 August 2023 -
St Botolph's Circus regeneration
Thank you for taking the time to complete the St Botolph's section of this consultation. This scheme is being developed jointly by Essex County Council and Colchester City Council and forms part of the wider City Centre Masterplan. As a crucial gateway into the city centre and a meeting and connecting point for different forms of transport (walking, cycling, car use, bus and train travel) the regeneration of St Botolph’s Circus is a vital part of Colchester’s... MoreClosed 31 July 2023 -
Hawthorn Avenue Healthy School Street
By completing this survey you will help us better understand local school parent/pupil, resident and business needs and concerns with regard to Hawthorn Avenue and surrounding roads. We will take this feedback into consideration as we develop the project. We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d like to see. For more information please... MoreClosed 30 July 2023 -
New Carers Offer
This form introduces our proposals for a redesigned offer for Essex carers. By carers we mean unpaid carers, people who look after family and friends. The offer has been co-produced with carers, organisations who work with them, and a range of partners and front line workers. We are now seeking final views on the offer, and this is your chance to contribute. MoreClosed 28 July 2023 -
ELSA Survey Summer Term 2023
We are asking for this information so that we can understand the role you have in school and share this with interested parties and feedback to you all. The survey results will be combined and shared with you via email in the autumn term 2023. MoreClosed 28 July 2023 -
Climate Ambassador Network Survey
Following on from discussions at the co-creation workshop we have made a list of ten themes surrounding climate change from the discussions and ideas of students. We want students to identify their top five themes to help us establish of the network going forward. MoreClosed 28 July 2023 -
ASC Transport Survey - Independent Day Centres
Essex County Council is starting to look at the transport service which you use to see how we can make it better for you. To do this, we are asking you to tell us what you think about the transport that you use now. This will help us find out what works well and where we may need to make things better for you. This survey is for people who use transport to go to places like day centres or school or college. When talking about support and services throughout... MoreClosed 19 July 2023 -
Consultation on bus service 505 - Monday to Friday Only
Essex County Council (ECC) are proposing to adjust the first morning school/non-school journey on service 505 (Monday to Friday only) from Waltham Cross to Harlow and also Harlow to Waltham Cross (which currently differ on school and non-school days). The proposal is to replace these journeys with one journey in each direction which is the same on school days and non-school days (so there would still be the same total number of journeys on the timetable, which do not change depending... MoreClosed 5 June 2023 -
Castledon School Extension & Remodelling Works
Invitation to participate in a consultation relating to the proposed new extension block, sports pitch and internal remodelling works associated with Castledon School. MoreClosed 29 May 2023 -
Social Care Transport Survey
Essex County Council is starting to look at the transport service which you use to see how we can make it better for you. To do this, we are asking you to tell us what you think about the transport that you use now. This will help us find out what works well and where we may need to make things better for you. This survey is for people who use transport to go to places like day centres or school or college. When talking about support and services throughout... MoreClosed 19 May 2023 -
E-scooter trials survey
Thank you for taking the time to share your views about the Essex e-scooter hire scheme. This survey will take about 3 minutes. The data will be used to help form ECC policy around future e-scooter utilisation following any future Government legislation changes, This is an informal, fact-finding survey . MoreClosed 23 April 2023 -
Caring for Adults with Dementia
This survey has been endorsed by the Essex Care Association (ECA). Essex County Council (ECC), want to talk with you as care home employee’s and find out how services can be improved and help you to be better supported in your role. This survey will help ECC to better understand your experiences in caring for adults with diagnosed and undiagnosed dementia, especially with residents who have distressed/challenging behaviours. Furthermore, we want to find out where... MoreClosed 7 April 2023 -
Middleton Hall Lane Healthy School Streets Survey
By completing this survey you will help us better understand local school parent/pupil, resident and business needs and concerns with regard to Middleton Hall Lane and surrounding roads. We will take this feedback into consideration as we develop the project. We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d like to see. For more information please... MoreClosed 31 March 2023 -
Wickford Healthy School Streets Survey
By completing this survey you will help us better understand local school parent/pupil, resident and business needs and concerns with regard to Hyde Way, Elder Drive, Grange Avenue, Bromfords drive and surrounding roads. We will take this feedback into consideration as we develop the project. We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d like to see. ... MoreClosed 31 March 2023 -
Sawyers Hall Lane Healthy School Streets Survey
By completing this survey you will help us better understand local school parent/pupil, resident and business needs and concerns with regard to Sawyers Hall Lane and surrounding roads. We will take this feedback into consideration as we develop the project. We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d like to see. For more information please... MoreClosed 31 March 2023 -
Ambitious Women in Essex Networking - Saffron Walden Museum - 28 Feb 2023
Thanks for registering for the Ambitious Women in Essex Networking event, which was held at Saffron Walden Museum on 28 February 2023. I would love to get some feedback about your experiences for the event if you are able to spare 5 minutes to complete a quick survey. MoreClosed 28 March 2023
371 results.
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