The New Short Breaks Community Clubs and Activities Offer

Closed 16 Jan 2022

Opened 25 Oct 2021


Section 25 of the Children and Young Persons Act requires local authorities to provide short breaks for families with disabled children. Short breaks give carers a break from their additional caring responsibilities whilst enabling children and young people to meet friends, take part in activities, develop independence, and have fun.

Short Breaks Community Clubs and Activities is one of our offers and provides a range of informal learning activities for children and young people with SEND after school, at weekends and during school holidays.  

Our engagement with you so far has told us how positive Short Breaks Community Clubs and Activities are, but some families have told us that that accessing Community Clubs and Activities can mean having to travel long distances across the County, and that the range and choice of activities is not always age and/or needs appropriate.

This consultation is concerned with Short Breaks Community Clubs and Activities only. It is not concerned with other elements of the Short Breaks Offer such as caravans, beach huts or tickets.

The consultation is split into two parts. The first section is to consult with children and young people with SEND, and their primary carers, on the proposals for improving the current Community Clubs and Activities offer.

The second section contains questions that will help those who run the community clubs and activities know what families would like from the clubs and activities, when we the Council, give them the opportunity to apply and get funding to run them. The consultation consists of yes/no questions, multiple choice tick boxes and open-ended responses.

Easy Read Process Information

You can complete an electronic Easy Read version of this consultation by downloading a copy here.

When completed, please return your electronic or scanned copies by email to

If you require a paper version of the Easy Read document or have any queries regarding the Easy Read version please contact

If you require this survey in another format (e.g. large print, Braille or alternative languages), or need support to complete it, please contact:


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