Response 756109849

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Section 1.0 Introduction

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I understand the requirments for obtaining minierals but strongly object to these begin obtained within a populated area close to homes and schools.
A) close proximitry to respidential properties, village scholld, a montessori nursery school, 2 care homes. Noise and dust suppression would be impossible to maintain. Forty six properties are within fifty meters of the site.
B)Transport Issues. HGVs would need to access the wider road network and there are no safe routes from the current private road.
Current viaduct unsuitable for heavy loads.
C)Significant archaeolology buried within the site.

Section 2.0 Spatial Portrait

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Do you have any comments on the Spatial Portrait?

Road infastructure is often conjested, arlesford viaduct is unable to accomodate heavy vehicles and so would HGVs be increased thorough the village, they have been even though a diversion has been in place since the restriction signs regarding the viaduct have bee in place.
Arlesford does have a station but this s a passenger station with no infrastructure for transfering aggregates.
A) close proximitry to respidential properties, village scholld, a montessori nursery school, 2 care homes. Noise and dust suppression would be impossible to maintain. Forty six properties are within fifty meters of the site.
B)Transport Issues. HGVs would need to access the wider road network and there are no safe routes from the current private road.
Current viaduct unsuitable for heavy loads.
C)Significant archaeolology buried within the site.

Section 3.0 The Strategy - Aims, Strategic Objectives and Spatial Priorities

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Do you have any comments on the spatial vision, aims, strategic objectives, and spatial priorities?

Mineral extraction although important should not impact on the health of the local population
Ground water level changes, we already have flooding within Ford Lane. changes in these ground levels can lead to ground instability, increased risk of subsidence, espicially in areas when soil composition is affceted by water levels.
Arlesford has areas of hign subsidence, mentioned within deeds to house.
Vibrations from blasting and heavy machinery , use of explosives, constant movement of heavy machinery can creat vibrations that are transmitted through the gorund. Over time these vibrations can weaken soil and rock structures, potentially leading to subsidence, espicailly when underlying geology is susceptable to such movements.

Policy S1 – Presumption in favour of sustainable development

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S1?

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Do you have any comments on Policy S1?

Sustainability should not be more improtant than the physical and mental health of the local polulation.
Loss of public footpaths, ability to be able to take a walk without increased dust and noise.
I understand the requirments for obtaining minierals but strongly object to these begin obtained within a populated area close to homes and schools.
A) close proximitry to respidential properties, village scholld, a montessori nursery school, 2 care homes. Noise and dust suppression would be impossible to maintain. Forty six properties are within fifty meters of the site.
B)Transport Issues. HGVs would need to access the wider road network and there are no safe routes from the current private road.
Current viaduct unsuitable for heavy loads.
C)Significant archaeolology buried within the site.
Vibrations, blasting, subsidance, water increases drains already blocked flood already occuring on ford Lane.

Policy S2 - Strategic Priorities for Minerals Development

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S2?

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Do you have any comments on the Policy S2?

Road and rail infrastructure not able to accomodate increase in HGV traffic and increase in aggregate loads.
Impact on local roads, already many pot holes, irregular pavements .
Noise impact from increase in traffic.
Too close to homes, nursery, care homes and schools.
Lose public footpaths access to countty advised by NHS england for improved mental health of the population.

Policy S3 - Climate Change

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S3?

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Do you have any comments on the Policy S3?

I fail to see how this proposal would not have a negative impact on climate change, increase in HGVs, increase in emissons, dust, noise, movement of heavy machinery.
Effect on dust poeple sitting in own gardens as well of noise polution.
Too close to homes, schools, care homes nurserys.

Policy S4 - Reducing the Use of Mineral Resources

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S4?

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Do you have any comments on the Policy S4?

I fail to see how this proposal will reduce the use of mineral resources as the aim is to dig them up near to local residents homes.
The act of extraction and movement will have a negative impact on daily life.

Policy S5 - Creating a Network of Aggregate Recycling Facilities and New Transhipment Sites

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Do you have any comments on the Policy S5?

I can not see how using machinery to crush or recycle aggregates would not increase dust and noise polution as I have witnessed this walking past the facillity at the bottom of ford Lane. This is a noisey dusty processwhich would negatively affect the local population
in all the way previously mentions.
Flooding, noise, dust, vibrations, subsidence, affect on roads and rail infrastructure.

Policy S6 - General Principles for Sand and Gravel Provision

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S6?

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Do you have any comments on the Policy S6?

I disagree regarding the overriding need to the facility to the county at large, other sites must be available away from homes to enable extraction without damaging the health and prosperity of the local rate paying polulation.

Policy S7 - Provision for Industrial Minerals

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S7?

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Do you have any comments on the Policy S7?

This policy does not speicify which mineral is to be extracted as it seems it can change dependant on need and minerals availabel, Therefore any minerals could be extracted by ither means within the time frame if deemed necessary, therefore what are we agreeing too?

Policy S8 - Safeguarding Mineral Resources and Avoiding their Sterilisation

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S8?

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Do you have any comments on the Policy S8?

100meter buffer surrounding site would not stop noise dust, earth movement through heavy machinery, blasting use of water increasing chance of possible flooding and subsidence.

Policy S9 - Safeguarding Mineral Extraction Sites and Other Mineral Infrastructure

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S9?

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Do you have any comments on the Policy S9?

Disagree no minerals should be extracted on a site with archeologal importance or near to loacal houses and schools.

Policy S10 - Protecting and Enhancing the Environment and Local Amenity

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S10?

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Do you have any comments on the Policy S10?

This proposal would adversly affect all who love and work wihtin Arlesford and would have a negative impact on physical and mental wellbeing for all residents. 100meter buffer zone would not reduce this the impact of increased traffice heavy machinery vibrationas and noise may not be immediatley seen but would have a lasting impact and this should be consisdered.

Policy S11 - Access and Transportation

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S11?

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Do you have any comments on the Policy S11?

I disagree alresfor does not have appropriate road ad rail structure to accomodate increase in hevay vehicles esspecially with the viaducrt not able to take heavy loads which would mean more traffic within and through the village or wivenhoe town

Policy S12 - Mineral Site Restoration and After-Use

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S12?

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Do you have any comments on the Policy S12?

although the turning ovr of the lansd once all mineral are extracted is a wonderful thougth, my lifespan is such that I would not be around to see the benefit, although this is a selfish view it is also an important one.
All the negative impact on health which the proposal would have an impact on life expectancy.

Section 4 – The Approach to Identifying Preferred Mineral Sites for Primary Mineral Extraction

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Do you have any comments on this section?

I do bot beleive that the council has consulted all persons who will be affected and believe this contraviens law. All resident of Alresfor will be impacted aloing with the residents of Wivenhoe due to the travel of noise and dust and the lose of public countryside walks. Impact on wildlife and plants.

Policy DM1 - Development Management Criteria

Do you agree or disagree with Policy DM1?

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Do you have any comments on the Policy DM1?

Ford lane already floods , this roposal would have a negative impact due to use of water either pumping out or in extraction having a negative impact on the water table. Streams clear water would be contaminated which run into the river. Local fishing lakes poluted having an impact on the fish within and the ability to fish in a quiet tranquile place.
Public right of way, bridle path and sixpenny brook would be signifiacwently and adversely affected,
Too close to houses and schools.

Policy DM3 - Primary and Secondary Processing Plants

Do you agree or disagree with Policy DM3?

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Do you have any comments on Policy DM3?

Disagree pimary and secondary proposals more machinary within poulated area,
100meters from colne estary having a negative impact on an area of special scientific interest, the specia protection area and the renowned Ramsar site.
Mucgh visited beuty spot public tights of way that lead to arlesford crreek and the river colne,

Section 6 – Implementation, Monitoring and Review

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Do you have any comments on this section?

If proposal accepted monitoring would have no benefit to local population as all structures, machinery, vehicles blasting, dust would already be having a negative impact. with significant cost, so monitoring does not allay any fears or objections.

Appendix One

Do you have any comments on Appendix One?

Appendix one
No information on other sites WHY?
Appendix one states decision based on need of minerals not negative impact on local population.

Appendix Two

Do you have any comments on Appendix Two?

I feel this proposal as staed previously will have a negative imapct on many levels with the population of Arlesford and Wivenhoe and should not be considered

Appendix three

Do you have any comments on Appendix Three?

Only one public meeting held to discuss not allowing people who work to access is unacceptable.
This propsal is unacceptable as too near to population

Plan Assessment and Wider Evidence Base

Do you have any comments on any of the full plan assessments or wider evidence base documents?

Local support to reject this proposal due to close proximity to homes and schools, light , noise, dust, emissions all increased and would have a negative impact on life.

Any other comments

Do you have any other comments?

I object
I understand the requirments for obtaining minierals but strongly object to these begin obtained within a populated area close to homes and schools.
A) close proximitry to respidential properties, village scholld, a montessori nursery school, 2 care homes. Noise and dust suppression would be impossible to maintain. Forty six properties are within fifty meters of the site.
B)Transport Issues. HGVs would need to access the wider road network and there are no safe routes from the current private road. Current viaduct unsuitable for heavy loads.
C)Significant archaeolology buried within the site.
D)groundwater level changes
E)Vibrations from blasting and heavy machinery
F)Removal od supportive materials, increasing risk of subsidence
G)Alteration of natural drainage patterns
H)Public right of way, bridle path, signiificantly and adversely affected
I) Loss of grade II agricultural land during quarrying programme.
J) Overhead power cables within site represent an obsticle any movement woul dhave an affect on local residents.
K)Significant and damaging impact on plant and wildlife
L0Transport issues HGV movements (following on site processing) would have adverse effect on bridleway and no safe routes from the site to the wider road network.