Response 724846407

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About you

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Section 1.0 Introduction

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Do you have any comments on the introduction?

The quarry would impact so many people and the natural wildlife and environment. Redacted text the extra dust etc will impact many people especially in villages where there is a high proportion of elderly people too

Section 2.0 Spatial Portrait

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Do you have any comments on the Spatial Portrait?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Section 3.0 The Strategy - Aims, Strategic Objectives and Spatial Priorities

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Do you have any comments on the spatial vision, aims, strategic objectives, and spatial priorities?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy S1 – Presumption in favour of sustainable development

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S1?

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Do you have any comments on Policy S1?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy S2 - Strategic Priorities for Minerals Development

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S2?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on the Policy S2?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy S3 - Climate Change

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S3?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on the Policy S3?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy S4 - Reducing the Use of Mineral Resources

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S4?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on the Policy S4?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy S5 - Creating a Network of Aggregate Recycling Facilities and New Transhipment Sites

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S5?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on the Policy S5?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy S6 - General Principles for Sand and Gravel Provision

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S6?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on the Policy S6?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy S7 - Provision for Industrial Minerals

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S7?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on the Policy S7?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy S8 - Safeguarding Mineral Resources and Avoiding their Sterilisation

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S8?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on the Policy S8?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy S9 - Safeguarding Mineral Extraction Sites and Other Mineral Infrastructure

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S9?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on the Policy S9?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy S10 - Protecting and Enhancing the Environment and Local Amenity

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S10?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on the Policy S10?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy S11 - Access and Transportation

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S11?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on the Policy S11?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy S12 - Mineral Site Restoration and After-Use

Do you agree or disagree with Policy S12?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on the Policy S12?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Section 4 – The Approach to Identifying Preferred Mineral Sites for Primary Mineral Extraction

Do you agree or disagree with this section?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on this section?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy DM1 - Development Management Criteria

Do you agree or disagree with Policy DM1?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on the Policy DM1?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Policy DM3 - Primary and Secondary Processing Plants

Do you agree or disagree with Policy DM3?

Please select one item
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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on Policy DM3?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people

Section 6 – Implementation, Monitoring and Review

Do you agree or disagree with this section?

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Radio button: Ticked Disagree

Do you have any comments on this section?

Everything is based on my first answer above. Its the impact the quarry will have on so many people