Response 632078813

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A67 - Church Farm (Alresford) – TENDRING

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Given how close this is to the village school / pre-school, Montessori nursery school, care homes, and residential properties, the amount of noise and dust would be extremely unpleasant, as well as raising health issues, as these would be impossible to supress.

The increased level of heavy traffic through the village and onto the main road network will cause yet more traffic conjextion in a busy area, as well as having road safety issues within the village itself.

There would also be a significant damaging impact on wildlife in the area.

All this was raised ten years ago when the plan was rejected; none of the issues raised have changed.

A71 - Lodge Farm (Alresford) – TENDRING

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This is an area of natural beauty enjoyed by the local community which would be taken away and have an imopact on public rights of way.

The increase in traffic on the wider road network would be considerable in an already busy road system, especially with the already approved site at Sunnymead Farm.