Consultation for Stebbing Primary School

Closed 29 Apr 2020

Opened 15 Apr 2020


Invitation to review an Online Public Exhibition relating to the proposed new build accommodation at Stebbing Primary School.

Why your views matter

Essex County Council (ECC), as the Education Authority, proposes to provide new building containing two classrooms with associated toilets, stores and lobby. Externally, there will be a new Multi Use Play Area provided along with additional car parking spaces. The ECC Project Design Team has been working with the Leadership Team within Stebbing Primary School to develop a proposal that would meet the school’s educational need and fits well on the school site.

Please see attached planning boards at the bottom of the webpage.

We would like to invite you to an online exhibition to review the current proposals and to have your say before the proposals are completed for submission to the County Planning Authority as a detailed planning application. Comment forms are available online and we would be grateful if you could take your time to complete this so that we can capture and consider the views prior to the submission of the planning application.

What happens next

The consultation has now closed. Thank you for your input. We will be assessing the feedback from all respondents.


  • Uttlesford


  • All residents


  • Community development
  • Schools