Consultation for Great Bardfield Primary School

Closed 21 Jun 2021

Opened 7 Jun 2021


New teaching facilities Great Bardfield Primary School, Great Bardfield, CM7 4RN

Why your views matter

Essex County Council, ECC, is proposing to replace the three re-locatable classrooms on the school site with a single permanent building.  This change will not increase the size of the school but will provide state of the art classrooms for pupils, and allow the poor quality temporary buildings to be removed.

Please see attached planning boards at the bottom of the webpage.

The new building will reprovide the three classrooms with associated wc facilities etc.

 It is on this basis that I would like to invite you to participate in the online exhibition to review the latest build proposals, and to have your say before the plans are submitted to the County Planning Authority as a full planning application. Comment forms (survey) are available on this page and I would be grateful if you could take time to complete one so that we can capture and consider your view.

What happens next

The consultation has now closed. Thank you for your input. We will be assessing the feedback from all respondents.


  • Braintree


  • All residents


  • Community initiatives
  • Schools