Schools Climate Network Registration Form

Closes 31 Dec 2024

Opened 13 Oct 2023


Young Co-Chair of the Essex Climate Action Commission, Prajwal, would like to develop a platform for young people in Essex to come together to take action on climate. Essex County Council has been working with the Design Council to understand young people’s priorities and support them in shaping this. We are now seeking the views of teachers and young people to understand what you
would like this to look like.

A need for a network in Essex for young people to engage in climate action was identified by Praj and he put forward his proposal to the Essex Climate Action Commission. The Commission supported this approach and we are currently in the process of identifying what this might look like.

We need the views of teachers and young people to ensure that the end result will be of benefit.

We hope the information from this survey will be used to develop a platform and network for environment ambassadors from schools, sixth forms and colleges across Essex, supported by the Council and the Commission.

It will enable students to learn from the approaches taken by students of other schools and support a clear communication channel from students to students.

Regular newsletters to members could detail action taken across the county, especially in relation to other schools/young people.

The aim is to allow for more consistency in youth engagement on climate in Essex.

If you would like to register your interest in getting involved in the network, please complete the following form. 

If you are aged 13 years or older you are able to consent to data sharing.  If you are aged 12 years or younger, please provide the contact details of a parent or guardian aged 18 years or older when completing this form. 

(Please note: your contact information will be stored and used only in relation to the Schools Climate Network)

Register here


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