SEND Sufficiency Plan Engagement

Closed 28 Feb 2024

Opened 11 Dec 2023


Essex County Council is developing a  SEND Sufficiency Plan to set out how we and our partners will ensure that there is sufficient high-quality specialist provision, in both mainstream and special school settings, to meet the future needs of children and young people with SEND in Essex.

There has never been a greater need for a SEND sufficiency plan for Essex. The SEND population has grown significantly since the 2014 SEND reforms, with the greatest growth taking place in the statutory EHCP category. Despite an ambitious SEND capital programme, and investment in inclusive practices, the number of children and young people requiring a special school place has outgrown the capacity of the provisions in Essex. This has resulted in a greater number of children and young people with higher needs being in mainstream schools and more parents using the appeal process to seek a place at an Essex special school.  There has also been a sharp rise in the number of children and young people placed in independent special schools which has placed a strain on SEN funding via the High Needs Block.

We are engaging with our delivery partners (schools and settings), district councils and the Essex Family Forum to ensure that the intentions set out in the plan align with their current experiences and thoughts about what needs to change.  As well as this survey we will engage through themed workshops to get a more in-depth response. 

Please view and download the SEND Sufficiency Plan Engagement document at the bottom of this page.

Thank you for taking part.


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