Understanding Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters

Closed 31 Mar 2022

Opened 28 Jan 2022


Covid-19 has changed many of our lives over the past two years. At Essex County Council, we have worked hard to support the Covid-19 response, including the vaccination programme.

To move forward, we need your help to understand how residents feel about vaccinations and boosters. Please complete the survey to help us understand your views; the things you tell us will be used to inform the continued Covid-19 response.

As part of the research, we are looking to explore views in more detail via a follow-up conversation with a member of ECC’s Research & Citizen Insight team. Your participation is voluntary, and you can choose whether you would like to participate in further research at the end of this survey. We won’t be able to talk to everybody, but we may get in contact with you for a further chat to discuss the research in more detail. Although you won't receive a voucher for filling in this survey today, however, if you are selected to take part in the further research, you will be offered a £10 voucher as a thank for your time on completion of the research.

Responses will be confidential; you will not be identifiable in any reporting. If you wish to participate in any further engagement, there is an opportunity to provide your contact details at the end of the survey. You will not be contacted without your consent, and you can change your mind about taking part at any time.

Data protection

ECC handles information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and is the data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection legislation. The information you share will be treated confidentially. Your data will be held securely and will not be shared with anyone outside of the project team.

Essex County Council fully complies with information legislation. If you would like the full details of how we use personal data and your rights about its use, please go to www.essex.gov.uk/privacy-community or call 03457 430430.


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