Essex Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) Public Consultation

Closes 25 Oct 2024

Opening questions

Thank you for participating in our consultation on the Essex Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS). We’d like to start with some opening questions, and then please do continue through the questionnaire to provide feedback on the strategy. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts—your input is essential in guiding our efforts to protect and enhance our local natural spaces.

1. Are you completing the consultation:
2. If you are responding as an individual, which of the following best describes you?
3. If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, please select which organisation type:
4. Does your organisation primarily work with or represent people from any of these groups? Please tick all that apply.
5. Which district(s), borough(s), or city does your organisation cover? Please tick all that apply.
6. Please provide an email address: The LNRS team at Essex County Council would only contact you regarding any follow up needed from your response to the LNRS public consultation.