Hearing from our community

Closed 2 Dec 2020

Opened 20 Nov 2020



Essex County Council is interested in understanding how residents have used the Essex Coronavirus Action Support Facebook group and whether it has been a helpful source of information and support.

In an age of social distancing we are interested in the effectiveness of using digital platforms to provide advice, support and networks and whether members feel a sense of belonging with their local and digital communities as a result.

This survey of ECAS Group Members will provide valuable insights that will help us improve the way we engage in the future.  This survey is part of a range of measures we are taking to gather insights.

Why your views matter

  • To explore how members have used the Essex Coronavirus Action Support group during the second coronavirus lockdown
  • To understand how being a member of the group has affected how members behave during lockdown
  • To understand how members have interpreted and acted on coronavirus guidance
  • To understand how members have managed their physical and emotional health during lockdown
  • To invite members to express interest in taking part in further research to share more about their experience

What happens next

The insight found will be synthesised and used to help us understand how we can support our residents during times of crisis and through a digital platform.


  • All Areas


  • All residents


  • Community development
  • Support for adults
  • Support for children