Social Value Quarterly Reporting - Delivery

Closes 31 Jul 2025

ECC41 to ECC45

ECC41. ECC41 - Specific initiatives or recruitment programmes for members of an ethnic minority group run for the contract

Units: describe initiatives

ECC42. ECC42 - No. site visits for school children or local residents

Units: No. of visits

Unit Guidance: Record no. of visits (assumed to be 30-60 minutes each)

ECC43. ECC43 - Employer's fairs held to encourage local employment in the area

Units:    £ invested including staff time

Unit Guidance: Costs incurred (£) - costs of putting on the event(s) including hiring of spaces, stands and staff time (to be valued at £16.93 per staff hour)

ECC44. ECC44 - No. of employees provided with workplace screening (through a questionnaire) and support (at least six session of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)) for anxiety and depression

Units: No. of employees provided access

Unit Guidance: Number of employees on contract that have been screened through mental health screening and that also have access to CBT treatment if their screening identifies anxiety or depression issues.

ECC45. ECC45 - Activities to influence staff, suppliers, customers and communities to support environmental protection and improvement

Units: No. staff expert hours