Social Value Quarterly Reporting - Delivery

Closes 31 Jul 2025

ECC51 to ECC54

ECC51. ECC51 - Fleet emissions monitoring programme on the contract, including data collection (miles, type of vehicle, engine type, emission standard)

Units: description

ECC52. ECC52 - Carbon emission reductions through reduced energy use and energy efficiency measures - building operations - (e.g. REEB benchmark, RIBA Climate Challenge)

Units: Tonnes CO2e

ECC53. ECC53 - Tonnes of waste diverted above relevant benchmark (e.g. BREEAM)

Units: Tonnes

ECC54. ECC54 - Meet the buyer' events held to highlight local supply chain opportunities

Units: £ invested including staff time

Unit Guidance: Costs incurred (£) for putting on the event(s) including hiring of spaces, stands and staff time (to be valued at £16.93 per staff hour)