Social Value Quarterly Reporting - Delivery

Closes 31 Jul 2025

ECC46 to ECC50

ECC46. ECC46 - Support provided internally and to MSMEs and VCSEs within the supply chain to adopt Circular Economy solutions - business case and leadership for circular economy

Units: No. staff expert hours

ECC47. ECC47 - Hard to recycle waste diverted from landfill or incineration through specific recycling partnerships (e.g. Terracycle or equivalent)

Units: Tonnes

ECC48. ECC48 - Initiatives taken throughout the local and global supply chain to strengthen the identification, monitoring and reduction of risks of modern slavery and unethical work practices occurring in relation to the contract (i.e. supply chain mapping, staff training, contract management)

Units: £ invested including staff time

Unit Guidance: The equivalent £ value of resources invested includes equipment, materials, use of assets (e.g. space) and staff time (staff hours should be valued at £16.93 per hour for volunteering and £101.00 per hour for expert time)

ECC49. ECC49 - Reduce waste through reuse of products and materials

Units: Tonnes

Unit Guidance: Tonnes of waste that would have been recycled or binned that has instead been reused.

ECC50. ECC50 - Support for suppliers to demonstrate climate change and carbon reduction training for all staff - e.g. SDGs Academy courses, Supply Chain Sustainability School bronze or higher or equivalent

Units: No. hrs (total session duration)*no. attendees

Unit Guidance: The number of hours reported should be calculated by multiplying the length of the session by the number of beneficiaries. For example, a 2-hour session attended by 8 supply chain staff would be 16 hours, regardless of if the session is delivered by 1 person or 5 people.