Closes 31 Jul 2025
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Units: No. staff expert hours
Units: Tonnes
Units: £ invested including staff time
Unit Guidance: The equivalent £ value of resources invested includes equipment, materials, use of assets (e.g. space) and staff time (staff hours should be valued at £16.93 per hour for volunteering and £101.00 per hour for expert time)
Unit Guidance: Tonnes of waste that would have been recycled or binned that has instead been reused.
Units: No. hrs (total session duration)*no. attendees
Unit Guidance: The number of hours reported should be calculated by multiplying the length of the session by the number of beneficiaries. For example, a 2-hour session attended by 8 supply chain staff would be 16 hours, regardless of if the session is delivered by 1 person or 5 people.