Social Value Quarterly Reporting - Delivery

Closes 31 Jul 2025

ECC36 to ECC40

ECC 36. ECC36 - Percentage of procurement contracts that includes commitments to ethical procurement, including to verify anti-slavery and other relevant requirements.

Help text: Record only
Units: % of contracts


ECC 37. ECC37 - Percentage of procurement contracts that includes sustainable procurement commitments or other relevant requirements and certifications (e.g. to use local produce, reduce food waste, and keep resources in circulation longer.)

Help text: Record only
Units: % of contracts


ECC 38. ECC38 - Total amount (£) spent with VCSEs within your supply chain

Units: £

ECC 39. ECC39 - Provision of expert business advice to VCSEs and SMEs (e.g. financial advice / legal advice / HR advice/HSE) [Community TOM]

Units: no. staff expert hours

ECC 40. ECC40 - Equipment or resources donated to VCSEs (£ equivalent value)

Units: £

CHECK. Please confirm the data provided relates to SV attributed only to this ECC contract and for the relevant reporting period
CHECK. Please confirm the data relates to a SV commitment included in this contract