Social Value Quarterly Reporting - Delivery

Closes 31 Jul 2025

ECC16 to ECC20

ECC 16. ECC16 - No. of hours dedicated to support young people into work (e.g. CV advice, mock interviews, careers guidance) - (under 24 y.o.) [Community TOM]

Units: no. hrs x no. attendees

Unit Guidance: The number of hours reported should be calculated by multiplying the length of the session by the number of beneficiaries. For example, a 2-hour session attended by 8 unemployed people would be 16
hours, regardless of if the session is delivered by 1 person or 5 people.

ECC 17. ECC17 - No. of weeks spent on meaningful work placements or pre-employment course; from 1 to 9 weeks unpaid student placements (e.g. T-Level unpaid work experience, work experience for students) [Community TOM]

Units: no.weeks

ECC 18. ECC18 - Meaningful work placements that pay Minimum or National Living wage according to eligibility - 6 weeks or more (internships)

Units: no.weeks

ECC 19. ECC19 - No. of staff hours spent on local school and college visits supporting pupils e.g. delivering career talks, curriculum support, literacy support, safety talks (including preparation time) [Community TOM]

Units: no. staff hours

ECC 20. ECC20 - Initiatives to be taken to support older, disabled and vulnerable people to build stronger community networks (e.g. befriending schemes, digital inclusion clubs) [Community TOM]

Units: £ invested including staff time

Unit Guidance:  The equivalent £ value of resources invested includes equipment, use of assets (e.g. space) and staff time (staff hours should be valued at £16.93 per hour)

CHECK. Please confirm the data provided relates to SV attributed only to this ECC contract and for the relevant reporting period
CHECK. Please confirm the data relates to a SV commitment included in this contract