Social Value Quarterly Reporting - Delivery

Closes 31 Jul 2025

ECC31 to ECC35

ECC 31. ECC31 - Promote digital awareness with priority groups (e.g. workshops) [Community TOM]

Units: no. hrs x no. attendees

Unit Guidance: No. of hours (total session duration) multiplied by the no. of attendees

ECC31a . ECC31a - Number of hours of comprehensive training for digital skills development delivered to disadvantaged people (e.g. NEETs, under- represented gender and ethnic groups, sexual minorities, disabled, homeless, rehabilitating young offenders, LTU or elderly people)

Units: No. staff volunteering hours

ECC 32. ECC32 - In-kind contributions to local community projects (materials) [Community TOM]

Units: £ value

ECC 33. ECC33 - No hours volunteering time provided to support local community projects [Community TOM]

Units: no. staff volunteering hours

ECC 34. ECC34 - Support provided to help local community draw up their own Community Charter or Stakeholder Plan [Community TOM]

Units: £ invested including staff time

Unit Guidance:  The equivalent £ value of resources invested includes equipment, use of assets (e.g. space) and staff time (staff hours should be valued at £16.93 per hour) 

ECC 35. ECC35 - Percentage of contracts with the supply chain on which Social Value commitments, measurement and monitoring are required

Help text: Record only
Units: % of contracts


CHECK. Please confirm the data provided relates to SV attributed only to this ECC contract and for the relevant reporting period
CHECK. Please confirm the data relates to a SV commitment included in this contract