Closes 31 Jul 2025
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Help text: The full time annual equivalent (FTE) number of local employees taken on that are disabled. A disabled person is defined as someone with a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ effect on their ability to do normal daily activities (Equality Act 2010). For guidance about employing disabled people and support programmes for employers please see: The value is additional to ECC1, so that the job can be counted both as ECC1 and in this Measure if the conditions apply. The value is additional to ECC1, so that the job can be counted both as ECC1 and in this Measure if the conditions apply.
Units: no. people FTE
Units: no. hrs x no. attendees
Unit Guidance: No. of hours (total session duration) multiplied by the no. of attendees
Units: no.weeks