Social Value Quarterly Reporting - Delivery

Closes 31 Jul 2025

ECC11 to ECC15

Theme: Help people get the best start and age well

ECC 11. ECC11 - Total amount (£) spent in LOCAL supply chain through the contract

Ensure there is no double counting between ECC 11 and ECC 12

Units: £

ECC 12. ECC12 - Total amount (£) spent through contract with LOCAL micro and small enterprises within your supply chain

Ensure there is no double counting between ECC 11 and ECC 12

Units: £

ECC 13. ECC13 - Initiatives to be taken to tackle homelessness (supporting temporary housing schemes, etc) [Community TOM]

Units: £ invested including staff time

Unit Guidance:  The equivalent £ value of resources invested includes equipment, use of assets (e.g. space) and staff time (staff hours should be valued at £16.93 per hour) 

ECC 14. ECC14 - Initiatives taken or supported to engage people from Essex communities in health interventions (e.g. stop smoking, obesity, alcoholism, drugs, etc.) or wellbeing initiatives focused on physical activities for adults and children (excluding mental health)

Units: £ invested including staff time

Unit Guidance:  The equivalent £ value of resources invested includes equipment, use of assets (e.g. space) and staff time (staff hours should be valued at £16.93 per hour) 

ECC 15. ECC15 - Initiatives taken or supported to engage people from Essex communities in health interventions or wellbeing initiatives focused on mental health for adults and children

Units: £ invested including staff time

Unit Guidance:  The equivalent £ value of resources invested includes equipment, use of assets (e.g. space) and staff time (staff hours should be valued at £16.93 per hour) 

CHECK. Please confirm the data provided relates to SV attributed only to this ECC contract and for the relevant reporting period
CHECK. Please confirm the data relates to a SV commitment included in this contract