Love Your Bus Grant Fund Application

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Closes 21 Feb 2025

Love Your Bus Application Form 

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The Love Your Bus Grant Fund supports Parish and Town Council projects aimed at increasing bus service patronage and aligning with Essex County Council’s (ECC) goals of fostering:

  • A strong, inclusive, and sustainable economy.
  • A high-quality environment.
  • Health, wellbeing, and independence for all ages.
  • A good place for children and families to grow.

Grants of up to £50,000 are available for revenue-only projects in the 2025/2026 period, supported by the Department for Transport's BSIP+ funding. Total funding available: £500,000.

In order to help you complete this application, you may wish to download  PDF document of this application form: Love Your Bus application Form

Eligibility Criteria

  • Who can apply: Parish and Town Councils only.
  • Bus service requirement: Services must operate at least 80% of their mileage within ECC's administrative area (excluding Southend and Thurrock).
  • Number of bids: Each council can submit up to three bids.
  • Collaborative applications with neighbouring Councils are encouraged.
  • Transport Provider support: Letter to provide support from bus company operating the service and their commitment to meet the data-sharing requirements as outlined in application guidelines.
  • Support from County Councillor – Written or email confirmation from the local County Councillor endorsing the project.

Please find below answers to some frequently asked questions:

FAQ Document

For full details on application/bid criteria, intended grant agreement, project requirements, collaboration guidance, evaluation criteria, funding and financial requirements, project monitoring and reporting, including the information required to complete this application, please read all the documents below.

Please note: Online application must be completed and submitted in one sitting. 

1. Please indicate you read Love Your Bus Guideline and Application Criteria for Parish and Town councils before starting this application
2. Please confirm which Local Authority you represent
3. Name and job title of the person who can answer questions about the application and is submitting this form
4. Organisation contact email address
5. Contact telephone number
6. What is your organisation's address
7. Is this a joint application

Please Note: Only the lead Parish/Town Council can submit the application.

8. Bus service details
9. Operator Support Confirmation

Attach a letter from them confirming this and that they will meet the data sharing requirements set out in Love Your Bus Guidance Notes (project monitoring section)

Please make sure your file is under 25MB
10. Full Project Description
11. County Councillor Support

Please upload written or email evidence of support from your County Councillor, with this application.

Please make sure your file is under 25MB
12. Do you have any partners supporting your project, who will also help you to deliver it
13. Anticipated project start and end date
14. Evaluation of impact: If successful, do you agree to measure the impact of your project and send ECC information quarterly including a brief end of project report
15. VAT Reclamation

If you answered ‘yes’ to the above question, please show all costings exclusive of VAT. If you cannot reclaim VAT, please include it in your costings. 

16. What is the total cost of the project
17. How much funding are you requesting for your Love Your bus project
18. Additional Contributions
19. How much does your organisation have in unrestricted reserves
20. Grant spending breakdown: Specify the main areas the grant will be spent on and the estimated amount (e.g. staff costs, resources, equipment, evaluation)
21. Declaration: Please tick the box to confirm that you have read the intended grant agreement.

If your application is successful, you will be asked to agree to our terms and conditions. Please read Intended Grant Agreement

By signing below, you confirm that you have read the intended grant agreement and are authorised to complete this declaration.

22. Before submitting this application

Please ensure you have uploaded:

  • Operator Support Confirmation Letter 
  • County Councillor Support Letter 

If you experienced any issues uploading these documents, please send them to the email address and ensure you quote the response ID (please take note of your response ID after submitting this application). 

Please note: Your application will not be accepted without these documents.