Proud to be Me 2024

Closes 24 Jul 2025

Opened 29 Feb 2024


Proud to be me dates 2024 

Proud to be me is a group for children in care aged 11+ who identify as black, asian, mixed or dual heritage. It provides social opportunities for children to come together and be part of a community. Young People will take part in outdoor activities, have opportunities to have their say and have lunch.

Activity Day-
13th July 2024- 10:00-14:00

Black history month celebration-
29th October 10:00-14:00

Children in Care Council Festive Dinner-
6th December 18:00-20:00
All of these events are at Danbury Outdoors Centre Well Lane CM34AB


We work on the basis that the person registering the young person onto any activity will first have made a judgement about the suitability of the activity for the young person and any information asked and received is based on this, acting as something we can use to better understand the young person and be mindful for any areas where they may need additional support and or guidance.  We may not accept a young person based on what has been shared.

Why your views matter

Booking for Proud to be Me 2024


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • COP page