Carbon Reduction Plan Survey

Closed 18 Mar 2022

Opened 28 Feb 2022


Making Essex Carbon Neutral

The Essex Climate Action Commission (ECAC) published its report ‘Net-Zero: Making Essex Carbon Neutral’ in July 2021, which sets out a comprehensive plan for Essex to:

  • Reduce its Green House Gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by 2050 in line with UK statutory commitments.
  • Make Essex more resilient to climate impacts such a flooding, water shortages and overheating.

The report’s is a call to action for everyone and every organisation in Essex. with ECC having a critical role to play, working in partnership with our suppliers to deliver a programme of action.

Why your views matter

As ECC outsources the majority of its services and has a significant spend with third party organisations. Therefore, we continue to introduce requirements for all our suppliers to consider the impact of climate change on our projects as part of our social value strategy.

We would like to understand your companies current plan for Carbon Reduction across your business.

We would be grateful for your input into the survey below, please understand there are no wrong answers, and this is very much an information gathering excersise.

What happens next

We will review the feedback from all contractors to understand where we can provide those who need support in creating their own plans.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Environmental planning