Colchester LCWIP 4 consultation

Closed 20 Jan 2023

Opened 23 Nov 2022


In Colchester, car journeys of up to 3.5miles (5km) make up 40% of all journeys. In fact, many car journeys are much shorter, with around 20% being just 1 mile or less. Although in some cases there is a good reason for these journeys, many of these trips could be made using a more sustainable form of transport like walking, cycling or public transport.

To help people make the change to more active forms of travel we recognise the need to improve our walking and cycling infrastructure between key destinations in the city.

Supported by Colchester Borough Council through their Town Deal programme, this survey looks to gain views on plans for a new walking and cycling route between the city centre, Greenstead and the university.

Your views are important and will help further shape the plans as we head towards construction.


  • Colchester


  • All residents


  • Transport planning