ESCB Training - Level 2 Safeguarding Children - 1st July 2025- 9.30am - 3.30pm

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Closes 24 Jun 2025


1. First Name
2. Surname
3. Job Title
4. Organisation
5. Delegate email address - confirmation details with a link to the training event will be sent by email to this address
6. Course fee - please select the fee that applies to you
7. If you are a charity, please enter your charity number
8. Purchase order number

If your organisation needs to provide a purchase order number for ESCB to raise an invoice for this course, please provide this in the box below. (ESCB uses the ECC finance system) THIS APPLIES TO MOST HEALTH ORGANISATIONS, POLICE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 

Failure to do so will mean your place will not be allocated. 

If your organisation does not require a purchase order for ESCB to raise an invoice then please put N/A in the box below

If you are an Essex County Council employee, please state 'ECC Staff' in the box below and go to question 9

9. This question only needs to be completed if you are an Essex County Council employee

Please provide your 13 digit budget code in the box below - payment will be made by Journal Transfer.

Essex County Council employees only - for questions 10 and 11 - please enter not applicable

If you are not an Essex County Council employee then please leave blank

10. Finance contact email address - a copy of the invoice will be sent to this email address
11. Billing address for invoice
12. Please provide a contact number in case we need to contact you regarding the course on the day (preferably a mobile number)
13. Your manager's email address or your own (if self employed)
14. Please select the sector you work in
15. Please select the area of Essex you work in
16. Please advise us if you have any access requirements
17. Please note

If you have not received an automated confirmation of your application within 24 hours - please check  your junk email - please contact as you may have entered your email incorrectly on the application form