West Essex Stay Safe Conference 13th May 2025 (Harlow)

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Closes 28 Mar 2025


1. First name
2. Surname
3. Job title
4. Organisation
5. Please select the sector you work in
6. Please select the quadrant you are based in
7. Please provide a contact number should we need to contact you regarding the course (preferably a mobile number in case we need to contact you on the day)
8. Your email address
9. Your manager's email address or your own email address if self-employed
10. Essex County Council employees - please enter your 13 digit budget code, this is needed for all courses as outlined in the ESCB Charging and Cancellation Policy.

Failure to do so will result in you not being allocated a place

11. Non-Essex County Council staff, please advise the purchase order number (if applicable). This is needed for all bookings, regardless of whether it is a free course as outlined in the ESCB Charging and Cancellation Policy. Please email ESCBtraining@essex.gov.uk to ascertain the amount you would be required to pay for your organisation should you not attend.
12. Please advise if you have any access requirements
13. We will be supplying a sandwich lunch. Do you have any dietary restrictions?
14. Do you have any food allergies?