ESAB - Professional Curiosity and Difficult Conversations - 18.11.24 (9:30am - 12.30pm)

Closes 11 Nov 2024

Opened 30 May 2024


Learning Objectives:

  • To explore the concept of professional curiosity and attempt to define this within the context of adult safeguarding.
  • To consider the elements of professional attitudes and behaviours, and the skills required to develop more ‘curious’ practice.
  • To understand some of the barriers that lead us to become professionally complacent, rather than curious, and consider how to overcome these.
  • To review learning from research, and Essex Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs), to better understand the challenges we may experience.
  • To look at the challenges of having difficult conversations and develop strategies to assist practitioners respond appropriately.

Please click here to enter your details and book onto the course



  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Adult learning