ESCB Training - How to create an effective Early Help Plan (EHP)- 2nd December 2024, 12pm -1.15pm (virtual)

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Closes 25 Nov 2024


1. First name
2. Surname
3. Job title
4. Organisation
5. Please provide your finance contact email address (if applicable). This information will only be used if you cancel your place at late notice or fail to attend the course as set out in the ESCB Charging and Cancellation Policy
6. Essex County Council employees - please enter your 13 digit budget code. This information will only be used if you cancel your place at late notice or fail to attend the course as set out in the ESCB Charging and Cancellation Policy

Failure to do so will result in you not being allocated a place

7. Please provide a contact number in case we need to contact you regarding the course on the day (preferably a mobile number)
8. Delegate email address - confirmation details with a link to the training event will be sent by email to this address
9. Your manager's email address or your own email address if self-employed
10. Please select the sector you work in
11. Please select the quadrant you are based in
12. Please state the town you are based in
13. Please advise if you have any access requirements