Direct Payment Support Offer draft options

Closed 30 Aug 2021

Opened 21 Jul 2021


The New Direct Payment Offer and Options to Consider

In the past year ECC have undertaken a number of DP Co-Production workshops looking at our current DP offer and how we can improve upon it for the future. We have gathered some invaluable insight from people with Lived Experience of Direct Payments and their feedback and opinions have influenced what the future DP offer could look like.

This survey is to share with you what the Co-Production workshops have told us. We would like to get your opinion on what the New Direct Payment offer could look like and have therefore devised a number of questions to identify what options we could explore further.

From our findings we understand that the core of the DP support offer is likely to include:

• A Direct Payment Support Service (DPSS)
• Prepaid Cards
• Digital Solutions
• Dedicated Bank Accounts

Within this core offer we have included a list of options which we could consider further.

The below options are not mutually exclusive, in that we will choose just one. In fact, it is important that we offer a choice to people in terms of how they would like to receive their Direct Payment. If there are further options or ideas you would like us to explore please do mention this within the survey.

The survey consists of open ended responses and ratings. 


  • All Areas


  • All residents


  • Support for adults